have you ever felt like completely giving up? i mean I know I have. This whole ’ life ’ thing get’s so complex at times and it always feels as if the individual’s whom don’t deserve it ( as we’d say ) , always have these luxurious blessings handed to them on a silver platter.
you feel as if you shouting into the oblivion with nothing but your own echo’s as an answer.
you feel as if it gets harder to lift your head up every morning.
as if no one understands what you’re going through.
I mean, sure trials are inevitable but does it have to get this hard ?
do I constantly have to force a smile on my face ?
can’t I be genuinely happy?i had all these questions and possessed every emotion you might be feeling right now too.
it’s almost like you possess so much negative emotion that you become phlegmatic.
which is completely wrong.but, here’s a question i’d like you to ask yourself right now.
did you really come this far to give up?
did you really expect life to be rainbows & unicorns?
did you honestly expect yourself to be as strong as you are now?
well you are.
you’re stronger than giving up.
Your challenges aren’t real, you are.