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Sasuke woke up first in a cold sweat from another nightmare. He groaned slightly and looked over to see Sakura sleeping. Finally he thought she would never stop questioning him last night. He got out of bed and quietly walked to the bathroom. He then heard the dreaded noise of his phone coming from his pocket another text from Naruto. He took it out.

I was letting you know the mission has been resolved the land of spring has captured the criminal. You can come home. I hope you will still take Sakura there though. It's beautiful and I've had a room prepared for you there through the weekend of their festival. She would really love it.

Tsk. What was he to do with this...after everything that had happened between them he was deeply concerned of her to continue prying for information he wasn't willing to give her yet. Maybe he would let her go and he would return to the leaf. Then he would be leaving her again though alone with no one to protect her. She was strong but they don't know much about this village. He decided to text him back for once.

I will let her go and I will return

Just keep running then teme

Tsk of course he would call him out on this.

Dobe. I will accompany her

I knew you would do what was right.

He sighed loudly. Then he heard a tap on the door very light.

"Sasuke are you in there?"

"Yes Sakura go back to bed it's only 3 in the morning."

"I-I was worried about you. I woke up and you weren't there and  when I checked your bed it was soaked....there was even some droplets on your pillow."

She seen where he had been crying what now??!!!! Ugh she was still annoying. But at the same time she was worried about him...that was good to know that she still cared enough to worry for him. He sighed again opening the door.

Sakura looked at the raven head in front of her. He didn't have his normal stone cold expression. He looked defeated she could tell he had been sweating a lot his hair stuck to his forehead and close clung to his body. She couldn't help it her hand went straight to his forehead checking for a fever. The raven didn't flinch which shocked her.

"We'll you don't have a fever so you're probably not sick what happened Sasuke."

"Nothing Sakura, I'm fine return to bed now."

He tried to act strong but he stumbled. Due to the nightmare his sharingan was active and had been drawing on his chakra for quite some time. The girl caught him and looked at him with fear. Her hands clung to his arms as though he would disintegrate in them. He had to admit it felt pretty nice.

"Sasuke-kun! Sit down now I don't want you to fall."

He stumbled back the girls hands still on him as he sat on the toilet seat lid. She looked at him with hurt eyes obviously in pain from being worried something would happen to him.

"I'm alright Sakura this has been happening for some time."

Sakura took her hands off him slowly making sure he was stable. Then she grabbed a small cloth and wet It under the cold water she then started to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Using one hand to hold back his raven locks and the other to dab the sweat off. Her body was close to Sasukes reminding him of there cuddling he leaned into the girl.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on Sasuke-kun?"

"I've been having nightmares for years. Seeing what happened to my clan and my brothers death...it haunts me. Not that I don't deserve it."

She lifted his face to look at her. In her eyes he seen compassion, love and understanding. For a moment he felt better , better than he felt even with Naruto. She stroked one cheek with her hand as she dabbed the other with the cloth. He breathed in her smell so sweet. He didn't really care for sweet but he could get used to this one.

"Sasuke-kun no one deserves that kind of hurt to begin with let alone to re-live it every night."

"You sound like you've been there yourself."

"I-I had nightmares about you leaving the village to be with that snake every night for years...it was so painful. I kept thinking it was my fault. I could've tried h-harder to make you st-stay."

Tears slowly dribbled from her eyes falling on sasukes neck. He looked up at her furious with himself for causing so much pain and a bit mad at her for ever blaming anyone but him.

"Sakura it was my fault not yours. I made that decision. I should be the one paying not you."

"Sasuke-kun I don't want anyone to pay...I just want to be happy that you're home with us. I want you to be happy too. You look so mad and hurt all the time...you are trying to carry everything by yourself when I'm right her with you to share the burden. I'm not mad at you, Naruto's not mad at you. So stop, not all the time but every once in a while stop being mad at yourself!"

Sasuke gasped a bit as she tightened her grip and raised her voice. He knew she was right. He wasn't going to get any better if he kept doing this to himself. So he nodded to her firmly letting her know he really heard what she said. She continued dabbing the sweat from around the collar of his blue t-shirt. Then he noticed the pink flush reach her cheeks before she said her next words.

"S-Sasuke you're gonna have to take that off so I can get your chest and back."

"I can do it Sakura I'll just get in the sh-"

"Hush and let me take care of you Uchiha. It's what I want."

He looked at her seeing how purely she wanted this. It was helping her heal and him too so he nodded again and pulled the shirt over his head tossing it onto the floor. He subconsciously flinched away from her not wanting her to see all the scars that were left from his past battles.

Sakura took in his form without trying to stare for too long. He was toned and had just barely an outline of abs. With bruises and healed scars almost everywhere. She almost cried seeing how beaten he looked but she didn't she smiled and rang out the cloth preparing more water. Then slowly started dabbing his chest trying not to make eye contact or stare to hard at his body she wasn't sure which would be worse. Sasuke seen her look away with a solemn look avoiding his eyes and his body.

"Does it look that bad?"

"You're healing wonderfully Sasuke-kun."

"You can barely stand to look at me Sakura."

He groaned this out. Of course she couldn't he had gotten most of these scars fighting her and their comrades. She must be mortified.

Sakura took a breath after wiping down most of his chest and then sat the rag on his shoulder as she traced over the outline of his upper body with her fingertips looking directly in his eyes.

"I don't have any problem looking at you Uchiha. I thought that you might though."


It came out as a bit of a groan too. It felt wonderful to have her fingers grace his beaten body she moved so gently thinking he would shatter at her touch. He had shattered on the inside and there was no hiding the blush that snuck to his cheeks this time.

"A-are you blushing Sasuke-kun?"

"I hadn't expected the close contact so suddenly."

"I-is it okay? Am I hurting you?"

Sasuke smirked wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"No ,in fact I feel healed."

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