First impressions led to Marriage

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Author's pov

Obani was lying by a big tree overlooking the town. He didn't wanted to be seen by anyone as he was insecure about himself. His parents weren't the best especially his mom but he loved them to pieces, more than they loved him.He was lonely and believed that he didn't deserve anyone as a friend or lover.That was until a boy his age proved him wrong;His name was Giyuu Tomioka.

Obani's pov

I was lying by a tree overlooking the town, I usually go there when my parents were fighting or for fun as I had no friends. People would run away because of how my eyes looked or the fact I liked snakes as a pet. At first, I never cared until my mom said that I would never find anyone by being myself.That really caused me  to be  scared around people.I was looking at the clouds like I normally do and didn't noticing a boy lying next to me.

"Are you looking at the clouds too?" He asked.

I quickly sat up to see a boy next to me looking at the sky.I was shocked to see him there as this was the first time anyone joined me in clouds watching or in general. I think he noticed me looking at him so he sat up too.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with concern on his face.

"If you're here to insult me just get it over with already!" I told him with my arms crossed.

The boy made him way towards me and flicked my head hard!

"Ow,what was that for?"I asked rubbing my head where it hurt.

"That's for believing I was here to bully you!" He scoffed.

"I'm here to spend time with my friend!"he then added with a smile on his face

I was shocked at what he said as no one wanted to be my friend before especially because of my mother. I looked at him and smiled overjoyed.

"I'm Iguro Obani, nice to meet you!"I told him reaching out my hand.

"My name is Giyuu Tomioka, nice to meet you too Iguro😊."He replied shaking my hand.

We laughed at the awkwardness and I noticed it was getting a bit dark.I had completely forgotten about what was going on at home.Giyuu seemed to noticed I was getting worried .

"Don't worry, your dad said you can come over my family for dinner and have a sleepover!"He excitedly explained to me.

I guess his plan of making me cheer up worked and we got up walking to giyuu's home.I could hear chatting from a distance and looked at Giyuu confused.

"Its just me and my sister so she is probably having trouble with dinner, we can help prepare it!"He told with a faint smile.

I could tell  what his expression meant,his parents had died leaving only him and his sister.I felt bad for them thinking it must have been hard for them. While I was thinking about the information I just received I realized that we were already at his home.

Tustako's pov

I was shocked when I saw Giyuu come home with a boy his age.Of course he told me everything that happened leading up to now and I couldn't help but smiled. I know our parents would be proud of him for making a friend.His friend looked nervous, I couldn't tell if its the fact his father agreed with Giyuu to let him come over or me greeting him. I made felt welcome and treated like how I do with Giyuu. His smile made me feel extremely happy and determined not to let anyone hurt him.

A few hours later

Giyuu's pov

After dinner, I took Iguro to my room and showed him where everything he needed was. I told him to change into some of my clothes since he didn't have any with him. I smiled in shocked when he returned wearing my clothes. He ended to be a bit more shy after he came out of the bath room. His face was really red so I guess he was blushing. He walked over to me and looked me in my eyes.

"Can do the oath married couples do?"he asked me in either joy or nervousness. I was shocked and what he said as I wasn't expecting it.

"Let's ask my sister since she is getting married herself!"

I told him leaving my room,he followed me and we made our way to my sister who was cleaning up in the kitchen. Of course I told her what was told to me and  was shocked.

"I hope you boys now that a wedding has to be planned right?"she asked looking at us concerningly.

"Since Iguro's dad gave the all clear for him to stay later,we will go get rings,clothes and a priest!" She said  to us in determination.

The next day

Obani's pov
I was under the tree with giyuu while his sister went shopping for the stuff we needed for our "wedding". I wonder if  my parents will be there watching? I don't know what their reactions would be but I hoped they would be happy for me at lest. I didn't take long for giyuu to realize I was lost in my own thoughts.

" Iguro is everything alright?"He asked me looking worried.

"I'm fine giyuu ,just got lost in my thoughts that is all"I told him messing up his hair.

"Besides we haven't figured out which last name we're using." I said looking at the clouds not noticing his red face.

"I'll be happy being Giyuu Obani!"he said to me embarrassed.Not only afterwards,Tustako came back with everything we needed.

"Have you two decided on the last name?" She asked seeing her brother's red face.

"We've decided on my last name!"I said pulling giyuu in for a hug. She just laughed at the exchange.

"Alright then it's time for you two to prepare!" She said to us excited. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and is saw my parents with books? Apparently they found out about the show wedding and wanted to help organize it. While my mom and Tustako were working with giyuu, my dad was helping me.

"Look at you all grown up!"he said to me proudly.

"Make sure you cherish him alright?!"he added firmly.I nodded and he smiled. This went on a couple of weeks u til our "wedding day" arrived.

"Are you ready?"was the question asked. I was more than ready to be officially giyuu's partner.We were getting married by the tree where we first meet.There was a few people here besides myself like the priest,my parents and Tustako. Since Giyuu's father died,mine offered to walk him down the aisle. I was really nervous after all I've never done this before in my life! A few minutes later,I saw giyuu and my dad walking towards me.This was it,it was now or never!

I heard the priest said something along the lines of "you may now say your vows". I said what my father told me to and I just it was the same for giyuu and my mom.

When we said our I do's were officially married now. We were given a marriage certificate which we each signed. My parents seemed happy for us and so was   Tustako. Even the priest seemed delighted about our relationship.

" Whatever you do, make sure you stick together!" He whispered to us as we went talk with our relatives. This day was the best day for us;July 7th, our wedding day.

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