Chapter three: powerful flame

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A gentle hum was all I could hear, it was quite relaxing. Around me though, I could also hear hushed whispers, and then my eyes began to slowly open, revealing a bright light, and the winx and specialists all peering down at me,

"Guys! Guys! She's waking up! Quick grab her some water" Spoke a blurry voice, it sounded like I was underwater again...

"Bloom! Oh my! Are you okay?!" Screeched Stella once my eyes fully opened, and she was clung to my side. Like a koala and a branch. I could feel her heart beat, it was rapid. 

"Ow" I groaned, rubbing my head, but also hugging Stella in return. "Yea Stell, I'm fine. My head just hurts a lot. What happened?" I questioned, as I sat back up sipping on the water Flora got me. This gave me a big sense of Deja vu.

"Bloom, you literally passed out! Then you were saying words in your sleep, but it wasn't English! We thought you may find it funny what you were saying, so we started to record what you were saying. Timmy also wanted to see if he could translate it. But we can't find the language on the system" Tecna explained, sitting in one of the seats that was hooked up to the ship, spinning around as if I hadn't just woken up

Getting off the ground brushing the creases out of my dress, I walked over to her

"Please, show me the recording" I asked, rubbing my head some more . Maybe this will give me some answers, considering what I had dreamt about.....

"Alright, but it sounds like gibberish" Tecna rolled her eyes, pressing play, immediately interested in the technology on the screen. To me it was just a bunch of green and scary looking numbers,

The video was me lying on the floor, and after a few seconds i started saying more clear words. I could understand them. What they were saying was shocking to me, making my eyes widen slightly, 

In the video, my eyes were rolled back into my head, and a deeper voice was speaking. It was as if I was possessed, that wasn't me speaking through my body.

I spoke, "dragon twin, I am here, your flame. My body is close by, you must find me. You will both become weaker if you are around each other without knowing who you are. May you find yourselves, and be at rest"

"Bloom, did you understand any of that?" Tecna asked, turning to look at my shocked face. Her hands were on her hips, and the rest of the Winx stood around us, also wanting to know...

"Yes, Yes I did. It is in a language I studied when I was younger. Latin. But it's a dead language, I'm surprised I'm seeing it here." I replied, smiling broadly. My heart was beating vastly, and my stomach flourished with butterflies. My flame was near. 

"Why do you seem so happy all of a sudden?" Riven asked, in a hands on hip pose, earning a huff out of Musa.

"I just learned about something that has made my day. But it is classified. You'll all find out later though" I grinned teasingly, I turned to everyone and winked

Just as Stella was about to ask something, Sky came over to us and told us we are right outside the palace of solaria, not seeming to care about my wellbeing at all.

I sigh, pushing that thought to the back of my head. I happily skipped off the air craft, knowing tonight, I may hopefully meet my flame, my soul mate. My lover.


"Daddy!" Yelled Stella, jumping into her father's arms, letting him swing her around. Her dress could almost blind a person if a bright enough light was shone on it

"Beautiful dress, darling" He replied, hugging her, although there was something suspicious about his tone and it worried me.

"Thank you!" Stella smiled, before turning to us. "Everyone, I'm going to be in the ballroom, if anyone needs me you know where to find me! Are you coming snukums?" she called, beginning to walk to the ballroom alongside her father

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