Part 1

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None of this is canonical to this series. Not even canon to the dead and dreaming void non canonical prequel.

Montana Max shouted, "Hey! Aren't you that stupid duck that set my house on fire earlier?!" Kablooie Duck smiled with a sly sense before yelling back, "That's right, fucker, and if you get closer I'll happily finish what I started!!" Now Montana wasn't smart or brave or anything like that however he had hired help so he ordered, "Jeeves!! Bring that duck here now!" The butler didn't even have to fight, Kablooie just calmly walked over. The rich boy glared into atomic explosion orange eyes and spat spiteful, "Do you really think you can take me, duckie? I have money, you know. Lots of money and lots of power!"

Not another word came out of the spoiled brat before the bomb-throwing anarchist (because Scrooge McDuck comics are Captalist propaganda and someone as openly against that as Kablooie would immediately be made as such) had thrown a punch right into the face. There was only two hits, the punch and when Max hit the tilted floor. The butler stood in shock for a moment or two. Most heroes and most Toons would have let him finish or at least done something sneaky and silly. However Kablooie Duck was not a hero, and he didn't stop punching either.

The Explosive got on top of the rich kid, picked the unconscious body off the ground in one hand, and kept punching with intent to kill. Of Course, it didn't kill. These are still Toons, so every punch only temporarily dented and made a squeaky toy noise. Which also didn't stop the explosion as every squeak just made him laugh and punch harder. The butler regained his bearings and managed to drag away the preteen from the teen. The Spitfire spat back in a loud laugh, "Bye Bye, Fuck Face!! See you real Fucking soon!!!"

Montana Max was seeing birds as he sat up but he was aware enough to hear every single word. It boiled his blood. So the spoiled, rich, kid watched and planed.


The Edgy Duckling was on his phone, scrolling, as the rich boy pressed a few buttons to bug the phone. While they were mile and mile apart, it was all too easy for both to find each other on the Internet. The Firework paused a second and blinked in a feelingof being watched. The blue blood laughed in villainy, "Now that I've bugged his phone, I can get all the dirt I want." The Firecracker breathed out tiredly then turned to his phone camera and commented, "I know you are watching, dipshit. Turn off the bug before I use this to my advantage."

The Brat huffed in reply as to not seem chicken, "You couldn't get dirt on me with all the mud in the world, my lawyers can make damn sure of that!" The Firebug rolled his eyes and just waited for whatever stupid villain monolog to get over. After that, the flame angled the one camera to be on his face and the other to look directly between his legs.

The villain baffled at this, "What? What the Sam Hill is that feather pillow doing?" The Antagonistic force pulled down his orange tank top and sobbed, "Monty, why are you looking down there!?! I'm supposed to wait until marriage!!" The teen boy went wide eyed but couldn't say or do anything. The preteen boy cried tearfully, "Stop looking at me down there! It's bad and wrong!!" As a teenager and an vile villain, Montana Max zoomed in closer with the hopes to watch the new thorn in his side cry more.

The equally preteenager and Antagonistic force, noted his new enemy had fallen hook, line, and sinker into the trap. The slightly younger child gave a pained moan, "S-St-Sto-Stop it!! It's like it's going inside of me!" The slightly older child watched on, but slowly began to panic as the video went from soft core to solo. It was about this time that Max discovered something about the biology of ducks that he immediately regretted learning. The speakers rang out, "Harder Max! HARDER!"

Jeeves knocked on the door and asked, "Young Sir? Young Sir, is there something going on in there?" Montana Max scrambled to turn off the bug and delete all memory of this from his computer, screaming in a slightly higher pitch from panic, "It's NOthing! Go away, Jeeves!"

Meanwhile with Kablooie Duck,

Kablooie Duck chuckled to himself, "Better have deleted that bug, asshole, or I'm calling your company as having child porn... Or just telling everyone you are a furry." Kablooie shrugged and mumbled to himself, "I'm really not picky, either works." Then after a second of not feeling watched by Montana, the Fireproof Flammable went back to lazily scrolling on his phone.

After a minute or an hour, Montana Max got his own phone and got into Kablooie Duck's DMs. He angrily texted him, "You set me up!" Not one second passed before there was a reply, "Block me now." Montana started angrily typing a paragraph when he got a video sent to him. Kablooie typed, "Block me or everyone in school knows what you asked me to send you." Max deleted his paragraph rant and responded, "I didn't ask you to send anything. And I can prove it." The reply came as fast as ever, it was a picture. A chat where Monty kept harassing until he got what he wanted. It was doctored but texts are so easy to fake nobody would know the difference.

The bird texted back, "Do you really want to risk this, Montana? Who are they really going to believe?" The human scrolled back up to the video. He knew what was in the video already and that he shouldn't watch it. The play button was clicked anyway. There was heavy breathing and tiny, needy, moans in the audio. Then the talking began, "Monty~♡ Monty~♡!"

The video paused as the next text came up, "Tick Tock, time's running out... Are you watching the video?" Immediately Kablooie Duck got an answer as a "this user has blocked you" message appeared. Kablooie blocked him back and was satisfied in this victory.

The next day at school,

Kablooie Duck was walking to his locker. He opened his locker and put his books inside. Kablooie was about to complain about school when he heard someone behind him. Montana Max stepped closer and was greeted with a book to the face. Montana was laid out flat on the floor, as a shadow with burning eyes loomed over him. "Do me a favor and just drop dead, shrimp dick. I have lunch to get to." The Flare informed harshly. The Brown haired boy sat up and spoke with confidence, "You know you want me, fluzzie."

The TNT simply glared with unfeeling annoyance and kicked the head hard enough that it went rolling. The head smacked against a wall and landed back above the shoulders. The Firebird stomped down on the chest to pin down his target and bent at the hips until they were eye to eye when he said, "I don't love you. I don't want you. You are, to me, a leech. A vampire. A Parasite that sums up the rotting, rusting, piss soaked, system that I've aimed to destroy.

I don't love my Uncle Scrooge McDuck or my biological father Daffy Duck. I hate them and I HATE you. I hate every single last one of you filthy parasites and if I could BLEED you DRY, it wouldn't be enough blood to pay for half your BULLSHIT... I hope that clears up any misunderstandings between us."

Then he waddled away for lunch. Calmly. Casually.

Montana Max, still on the floor, boosted to himself in pride, "He is totally obsessed with me."

The End.

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