Zero Kent-Prince(1)

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Name: Zero kent-princeRace:kryptonian,amazon,part goddess(can use their power because they blessed her when she was born )Backstory: Zero is the daughter Wonder Woman and Superman as well as the princess of Themyscira and the future queen

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Name: Zero kent-prince
Race:kryptonian,amazon,part goddess(can use their power because they blessed her when she was born )
Backstory: Zero is the daughter Wonder Woman and Superman as well as the princess of Themyscira and the future queen. She was trained by her parents , the rest of the justice league as well as the amazons. Because of her training with the amazons she thends to look down on humans ,especially males though there are some exceptions (Batman)
Personality: calm, colected in any situation , show little emotion, straightforward.
• Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, and durability
• Regeneration
• Flight
• Immortality
• Empathy
• Extended Longevity
• Divine empowerment
• Indomitable will
• Dimensional transportation
• Electrokinesis
• Enhanced senses which includes vision, smell, and hearing
• Enhanced intellect
• Solar Energy Absorption
• Cosmic Energy Absorption
• Magic Energy Absorption
• Soul Energy Absorption
• Shock Wave Projection
• Molecular Acceleration
• Time Travel
• Vortex Creations
• Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision
• Infrared Vision
• Microscopic Vision
• Telescopic Vision:
• X-Ray Vision
• Heat Vision
• Interstellar Travel
• Invulnerability
• Super-Breath
• Self-Sustenance
• Genius Level Intellect
• Hand-to-Hand Combat
• Intimidation
• Investigation
• Leadership
• Weaponry (taught to wield al kind of weapons)
• Chi Manipulation
• Master tactician and strategist
• Multilingualism
• Master hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist
• stealth

• Powers: Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, and durability• Regeneration• Flight• Immortality• Empathy• Extended Longevity• Divine empowerment• Indomitable will• Dimensional transportation• Electrokinesis• Enhanced senses which includ...

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Indestructible Bracelets (Like her mother)

SwordsIndestructible Bracelets (Like her mother)

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The Lasso of Truth ( from her mother)

spatial storage ring : storing mostly her weapons (at least one of each type)

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spatial storage ring : storing mostly her weapons (at least one of each type)

spatial storage ring : storing mostly her weapons (at least one of each type)

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