(03) a merry little band

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Learning not to get attached was a part of Audrey's life

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Learning not to get attached was a part of Audrey's life. 

It was not a healthy way to live. But after having lost her home, it was the only way she could survive. So bidding goodbye to the Speakers; it was not that hard. Besides Sypha was still there with her. At least she had one person there she was close to. And a degree of familiarity would be needed on the journey they were going to undertake. 

She paced outside the old, rundown and now half-destroyed house where the Speakers had been staying. 'Should I go speak with him or not? He would not drink my blood, would he? He does not seem frightening to me. Maybe I should just go.' 

As though it was nudging her, the Phoenix in Audrey's soul pushed her ahead. She leaned against the remnants of what had been the door of the house, watching Alucard trace something in the sand. 

"Alucard, they called me," He suddenly spoke. Audrey tensed up. He must have detected her presence. 

"The opposite of you," Alucard continued, staring at what he had traced in the sand. 

"That's a nice drawing," Audrey said, slowly walking toward him. "So that's Dracula?"

Alucard hummed in acknowledgement. "My mother did not like that. She hated the idea that I might define myself by him, even when I was opposing him. She loved us both, enough that she wanted us to be our own people. Living our own lives. Making our own choices. And so here I am. Choosing to honor my mother by killing my father."

He looked up at Audrey, his amber eyes filled with emotion. "Is this balance then? Will this killing act bring peace to the world?"

"Everybody exists in balance with nature. Even creatures like you and I. Your father, Alucard, has destroyed that balance. Even now, I can feel the effects of what he has done and what will happen if he continues," Audrey pressed a hand to her heart, tapping it. As she did so, golden sparks appeared out of thin air before disappearing. "The Phoenix will be your ally in whatever is going to happen."

Magic was a rare commodity. People had stopped utilising it fully, only using its powers to complete dangerous rituals. Magic was angry and suffering. Magic needed balance. Nature needed balance. Nature needed Magic. Magic needed Nature. And the Phoenix was at the centre of it all. 

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