Chapter 1

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I rushed down the street with my hundred dollar Kate Spade purse hanging on to my umbrella. It was raining hard and the water rushing off other balconies were dripping hard on my fur coat. My mom was modelling for Kate Spade and I had to make it. With me, I had to make it to everything. My mom, Chantelle Diana is a multi millionaire actress and singer. Me on the other hand, I just dance. My mom is always away on tour. My grandma stays with me at our penthouse until she gets back. I rushed in just as the other viewers got seated. I wasn't even late at all! The line for the show was huge! Luckily I just walked in and told the security guard I was Ellie Diana. I walked into the showroom and grabbed my seat in the front. Soon the lights dimmed and the show started.

"Hello friends and fans, I hope you will enjoy the show." Started Kate Spade. "We have Miss. Ellie here, daughter of Chantelle." Kate went on. The paparazzi swarmed over me but I just smiled with my pearly whites and twirled my golden locks just like my mom had taught me. I was used to the fame, but sometimes I just wanted to shut myself up in a tower above the paparazzi! My mother looked pretty as always strutting down the runway. The next pose was with a man. I was fine because my mom wasn't married and she didn't have a boyfriend. She said she never wanted a man in her life because she missed my dad who got murdered when I was three. I tried not to think about it but of course not even the fans can get their minds off that. When the show finally finished I rushed backstage because I didn't come early like my mom had planned and I knew she would be upset. The other viewers swiped out their camera's and phones as I made my way backstage. I turned down the hall with two bodyguards behind me. I slowly opened the door to find my mom's disappointment. "That's enough Karen," I heard my mom say to her makeup artist. "Come in." My mom ordered as always. "Mom-" I tried to convince. "Ellie, I wanted to show you an opportunity and you missed it." My mom said disapprovingly."Mom, I don't want to be a model," I explained. My moms eyebrows knotted together like they do when she's dissipointed. "This is big, Ellie you are destined for greatness!" My mom said with wonder in her eyes. "Destined in dance, not modelling." I said firmly. "You are still going to the model shoot." Constructed my mom. "Whatever." I said as I excited the dressing room. "You don't whatever me young lady." My mom chipped in. I was already gone.

I wish my mom could respect that I wanted to dance not model or sing. My penthouse still didn't have that homey feeling that old houses had. Our house was basically all white except for my room and my "recreation room". When we first bought our house my mom didn't need an office so she put up mirrors and let me use it instead. I dance. It's not anything my mom considered but she still let me continue it because she knew how much it meant to me. I started competitive dance at age 5 and got better and better. I have modelled for dance and activewear company's to my moms delight but I think that's as close she going to get to a perfect model daughter. I guess modelling without sport bras and shorts wouldn't be that different. My mom also wants me to sing and act which I choose not to do. Still my mom is pulling modelling company's behind her and telling them her daughters the next big thing. I will never be a perfect daughter and she will never be a perfect mother.

I was dancing in my studio late when my mom entered. "Are you excited for tomorrow!" She asked excitedly. I raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?" I asked stupidly. "Umm, I shouldn't have asked." She said looking away. "Why do you have to make me!" I said frustrated. "Because I'm your mother!" She said simply put loud. "Sometimes not." I muttered under my breath. "What was that." Exclaimed my mom. "Just leave me alone!" I cried. "Fine if you want to lose your mom as well, that's fine with me!" She said loudly. "Just forget about it." I said sadly rushing off to my room. That night I heard my mom and my grandma talking. "She's only fifteen, stop putting so much pressure on her!" My grandma lectured. "I'm not, I just don't want people thinking Ellie isn't talented." My mom said worryingly. "She has a talent in dance!" My grandma shot back. "Mom, look at this!" My mom fretted holding up a talpoid. "Ellie nothingness to her mother superstar Chantelle!" My mom cried. "It's just a fake magazine." My grandma said calmly. "Are you sure?" Fretted my mom. "Sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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