chapter 1 ➸ petal skin and sharp teeth

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Trigger Warning - Mention of Self Harm


Camila stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her clothes from earlier lay on the floor behind her and she stood in only her bra and panties. She must really be a clutz, she decided. Bruises lined the outside of her legs and her collarbone was speckled with dark blue discoloration that she couldn't recall causing. Today she'd even noticed a faded bruise in the space behind her ear. Camila was thankful for a tolerant makeup artist who didn't question the new marks on her body each day. Instead, Jorge would just compliment her on her "battle scars" and get to work on hiding them behind a thick layer of makeup.

Camila's "battle scars" didn't come close to the real thing, though. She was Camila Cabello, the famous solo act who'd soared to fame after placing second on X Factor. The small girl from Miami had little to no time to adjust before she was thrust into the spotlight at only 16 years old.

Now 18, Camila's lost count of how many singles of hers had been on Billboard's Top 100. She was proud of her music, but it wasn't her entire life. She considered her true passion to be dance. Ever since she set foot in front of a mirror in her pastel pink ballet shoes at just 3 years old, Camila had loved the gentle, graceful movements she was taught to execute in class.

Unfortunately, her managers didn't want "Camila the Ballerina." They demanded "Camila the Superstar." The superstar, who happened to fall victim to more than her share of publicity stunts... which always end up crashing and burning.

When her label had demanded she be seen in public with Austin, or "Austin the Fellow Superstar," to be exact, Camila didn't know how she could talk her way out of it. It hadn't been too bad at first. Both she and Austin were strictly friends behind the camera, and they didn't mind faking it for the few moments they had to. Her publicist was right, and by joining the two vocal powerhouses, both of their record sales skyrocketed.

Austin's fans had never truly accepted the idea of him with Camila. She didn't care, obviously, because she knew the truth, but his fans didn't. They were... ruthless, to say the least. Her presence on social media slowly faded. She didn't enjoy logging on just to be bombarded by teenage girls claiming she was "using" Austin for fame. If only they knew.

What bothered her the most was the people who would make jabs at her appearance or personality out of pure jealously of her supposed relationship with Austin. Camila had used social media before just to be heard. She liked being able to post something and see that she wasn't the only one who felt that way. But once her mentions flooded with negativity, the only tweets she'd ever send were ones her publicists had already written for her.

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse a few months later, when extremely private photos were leaked of Austin in his backyard with one of Camila's best friends. Camila could care less that they were dating, because obviously she and Austin had nothing in common. She'd even been the one to push Normani to talk to the boy in the first place.

But no one else was aware of the well-planned media stunt that was Austin and Camila's supposed 'relationship.' So when the photos leaked, Austin was bombarded with hate. The thing Camila didn't understand was why she, also, was receiving even more negative publicity for the 'scandal that rocked their relationship.'

Management, who was less than experienced in handling two mega-famous teenagers like Austin and Camila, decided to continue on with the stunt as if nothing happened. They hoped the photos would be forgotten and the 'couple' would soon bounce back.

Powerless, Camila was forced to plaster on an even bigger smile and accompany Austin wherever management sent them. Suddently, she was the 'whore' with no 'self respect' who continued to be seen with a cheater, even though she was completely aware what he'd done.

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