chapter 12 ➸ good morning

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"Lauren," Camila whispered, nudging the sleeping girl in her bed. "Lo, wake up, you promised we'd make breakfast."

"I didn't promise anything," Lauren mumbled sleepily, rolling onto her stomach and pulling her pillow over her head. Camila huffed and crossed her arms.

"If you don't get up right now, I'm gonna hit myself in the head over and over so your entire face will turn purple," Camila teased, crawling next to Lauren and trying to roll her onto her back.

"Purple's my favorite color," Lauren smirked, allowing herself to be flipped over. She smiled sleepily at the other girl when their eyes finally met, and Camila crinkled her nose. "You do realize you just threatened to punch yourself, y'know," Lauren giggled.

Camila huffed, throwing a pillow at Lauren and smiling mischievously. "C'mon," she whined, rolling out of bed and tugging on Lauren's arm. "I'm hungry, and you promised."

"I hate you," Lauren groaned, sitting up and wiping her eyes.

"You don't mean that," Camila continued pulling on Lauren's arm. "Pleaseeeee," she pouted, crossing her arms and tilting her head to the side.

Lauren couldn't resist, and she sighed, pushing herself out of bed and throwing her arms behind her head to stretch once she stood up. Clapping her hands triumphantly, Camila dragged Lauren out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"What are we even making?" Lauren yawned, leaning against the counter as Camila looked around the kitchen questioningly.

"I dunno," she shrugged, opening the pantry and scanning the shelves. "Somethin' useful." The younger girl giggled at herself while Lauren rolled her eyes teasingly.

Lauren walked over to the refrigerator and gazed inside. "Hey, what about these?" she asked, pulling out a container of cinnamon bun dough. "All you've gotta do is put them in a pan and then shove it in the oven," she shrugged.

"I need to go grocery shopping," Camila concluded, closing the pantry and kneeling down to grab a pan from underneath the counter. "Here," she slid a pan across the counter. Lauren grabbed it and handed Camila the container of dough.

"What do I do with this?" Camila asked, turning the container around in her hands and trying to figure out how to open it.

"You've never opened one before?" Lauren raised an eyebrow. Camila shook her head. "Just... start unwrapping the paper," Lauren smirked, deciding against warning Camila about how the cylinder containers worked.

Camila shrugged, peeling the paper and setting it down on the counter. She looked at the container, not noticing anything different. Just as she was about to question Lauren, the container burst open with a pop!, making Camila yelp and nearly drop the cylinder.

Lauren burst into laughter, having to put a hand on the counter to prevent herself from falling over.

"I broke it," Camila huffed, holding the container out to Lauren. The green eyed girl wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes and shook her head.

"That's how they work, Camz," she took the container and began unwinding the cardboard from around the dough. "I can't believe you've never opened one of these before."

"I can't believe you didn't warn me," Camila huffed, walking over next to Lauren and watching as she placed the dough onto the pan in a circle.

"It was funny," Lauren smirked, taking the pan and sliding it onto the middle rack of the already pre-heated oven. She set the timer and ran a hand through her hair. "Fifteen minutes to go."

"But I'm hungry now," Camila whined, crossing her arms and feigning frustration. Lauren giggled and took a step closer, poking the smaller girl's bottom lip that she had jutted out in mock pouting.

that's why our ribs are cages ➸ camrenWhere stories live. Discover now