Y/N Garcia

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First Person POV:

Yesterday morning I woke up to my stupid sister Martina "singing" in my room to wake me up "peacefully" well I hate to break it to you Martina but- no nevermind i'd love to break it to you, you aren't meant for singing. Anyway I wake up to her singing and I flipped my hair in her face, thinking that would shut her up.. but no. I walked out of my room and looked at myself in the mirror "Another day and i'm still single.. lovely." I said that to myself every morning for as long as I can remember, I just feel so sad and empty because I have all this love inside of me but no one to share it with. I know what you're probably thinking "Y/N just share your love with your sister" No. I absolutely refuse. Martina is a selfish spoiled brat who thinks she can get whatever she wants just because she's pretty.. which is so not fair because I could do that too but I am actually a good person and i'm not going to take advantage of people or lure them in with my looks and then crush their poor hearts.

I grabbed an arepa and sat down outside looking outside, I saw Luisa carrying some kids on her back and following her was Camilo.. Aye Camilo, he was gorgeous and I had the fattest crush on him, well.. I HAVE the fattest crush on him. But he would never notice me because i'm just a girl who lives in a small house and reads books and plays video games. Plus he's to good for me anyway, I mean look at him and look and me, he's literally magical. The most magical thing I can do is make people run away from me, especially boys. Which they seem to do a lot when i'm around. but yesterday felt different, it was the morning of Antonio's gift ceremony and while I was sitting outside I saw Mirabel singing to some of the children who were asking her about her family's powers, I sat there and smiled at her and she smiled back. Mirabel was my best friend, and she has been ever since.. well her gift ceremony.


It was the night of Mirabels gift ceremony and I was watching her walk down the hallway, I could see the beautiful pattern on her dress as she walked towards Abuela and touched the candle. Before she reached for the doorknob I felt a terrible pain in my chest and I was extremely dizzy, and then she touched the doorknob and poof, the door disappeared, and Mirabel stood there looking in shock, so did the crowd. She stared at the wall while everyone started leaving, and she just stood there while tears filled her eyes, Out of pity I walked up the stairs and gave her a hug. That night she stayed at my place with my sister and well.. Mom.. she died a few years later but it's alright because I considered Mirabel family. That night we became best friends, and we were inseparable. Abuela never let me into la casita because every time I entered and looked at the blank wall where Mirabel's door should have been, I feel dizzy and almost passed out. I always thought it was nothing considering we were only 5, I always brushed it off and dealt with the pain, but one day I saw a shadowy looking figure that looked kind of like Bruno INSIDE the walls, I obviously told Abuela and she freaked, she kicked me out and told me I was never allowed back in for making up such terrible lies. Ever since then Mirabel has always come to my house, or we just met up in secret.


Mirabel had convinced Abuela to let me in for Antonio's gift ceremony, and I was thrilled considering i hadn't been inside for 10 years. I put on a dress and fixed my hair, I put in a Blue butterfly clip and tada, I was finished. I told my sister that we should leave soon, but as soon as I came downstairs she poured water on me, That used to be funny when I was 5 but I was 15 and I was furious, but the thing is when i'm angry i'm not scary or anything I don't know what to do so I just.. cry. i ran outside soaking wet, with tears running down my face. And BOOM I ran into someone, I couldn't see who they were but they stopped me and said "Woah woah are you okay señorita?" I nodded slightly but I refused to look up, whoever it was I didn't want them to se me like this. He moved the hair out of my face and I slowly looked up and just my luck, it was Camilo. "AHH omg Camilo i'm so so sorry um you should probably with Antonio right now-" he stopped me by putting his finger on my lips "Y/N i-is that you..?" he said "uhm yep the one and only.." i said "wow I-I haven't seen you in years" The curly haired boy said "yep probably because I got banned from your house" "WHAT!?" he said "yep.." I answered. He looked at me and said he had to get going, but before he left he looked at me and managed to find the words to say "Y-You look good" he smiled then ran away. Of course he ran. They always run, I rolled my eyes and dried myself off and rushed to the ceremony hoping I hadn't missed it. I came just in time and watched as Antonio started talking to a bird that landed on his shoulder, I looked at Mirabel and she looked a bit sad, so I walked over to her, and I swear time just froze. Everyone stopped moving except Mirabel, I couldn't move either but I could see Mirabel walking around the house and singing. I wanted to say something but words the words wouldn't come out. After about three minutes things went back to normal, or sort of normal. Mirabel rushed into Antonios room and yelled "THE HOUSE IS IN DANGER" I looked at her and the longer I looked at her I could see the cracks in her heart as Abuela yelled at her for being jealous and trying to ruin Antonio's night. I fell to the floor, and passed out. It was quite a strange thing, whenever someone were to talk about Mirabel or her door something inside me was...wrong..? I woke up in Mirabel's arms. "Did it happen again?" she said. "ya" but it was no big deal. Apparently some people thought I died, like jeez guys i'm not that weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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