34 | Stardust Crusaders

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"You three!"
Polnareff and I noticed Kakyoin, Jotaro and Joseph standing behind the broken wall.
"You two needn't worry anymore."

I ran up to them to embrace each one of them quickly, and all of them let it be, hugging me back - even Jotaro.

I looked at DIO from the corner of my eyes, seeing him smirk as he retreated his Stand, disappearing completely the next millisecond.

"DIO! Was that DIO?! After him!"
Joseph yelled as he ran up the stairs, being followed by Kakyoin and Jotaro before Polnareff stopped them from going any further than where we were on the staircase.
"I need to tell you guys something first."

The three men stopped to look at the two of us.

"We experienced The World's power just a moment ago... well, I say experienced, but I think I speak for the two of us when I say we didn't understand it at all. I thought I was climbing up the stairs towards him just now, but I kept going down instead!"

I looked at Polnareff and nodded in agreement before turning my head up again, noticing Jotaro looking at me with his head slightly tilted to my side, his body slightly turned to us. Our eyes met but we didn't bother to stop as the others continued talking.

"I-I'm not sure I'm making any sense right now, but I just can't explain what he did. He wasn't using a simple truck like hypnosis or super speed... it was something strange and terrifying."

I broke the eye contact with Jotaro when I spoke up, looking around before looking at the men again.
"By the way, where are Avdol and Iggy? We shouldn't go ahead without them. Should we wait or search-"

Polnareff interrupted me, looking down on the floor with an estranged face before continuing.
"They didn't make it... they died to save me..."

"I see..."
Joseph mumbled, looking troubled and sounding hit.

I put my hands in front of my mouth as it was wide open.

I muttered in a trembling voice.
"No, it can't be... you defeated Vanilla Ice! How... it's all my fault... I should have followed him..!"

The men looked at me, a mixture of sadness, regret and anger but also concern on their faces.

Jotaro spoke up softly as I put both of my hands on the railings to support myself, looking down somewhere, just not into their faces, trembling slightly.

I disappointed them. My cleverness might have ended up being the death of Avdol and Iggy. I should have gone After Vanilla Ice! I would have found them for sure! And then I would have fought Ice with them, and all of us would have been right here, right now.

"I- I saw Vanilla Ice leaving... he was in some kind of ball... I wanted to follow him! At first, I was stopped by DIO, but when he let me decide again, I- I- I was too... stupid, afraid, selfish!"
I muttered in sorrow as I started to cry, hiding my face with my hands.

"No, Caroline, it wasn't your fault at all."
Polnareff muttered, wiping his tears away.

I felt someone approach me, when I moved my hands away a bit, I saw Jotaro standing next to me, caressing my back while Josep took both of my hands, exposing my crying face.
"It wasn't your fault, Caroline. They fought to the end, sacrificing themselves for Polnareff, and if it had gone any other way, we could have lost all four of you. I'm glad you're okay and that bastard DIO didn't do anything to you, did he?"

I shook my head slowly before I looked at Joseph's face.

"Don't blame yourself. This mansion is huge, chances were you wouldn't have found them and lost us completely. Plus, you were alone at the presence of DIO and his lackeys, you, my poor girl, were probably scared and not thinking straight. Plus, that guy Vanilla something you mentioned, he got killed by Polnareff in the end. Don't let Avdol's and Iggy's sacrifice be for nothing, alright?"

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now