Chapter One

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Fluff, Mature, Romantic, Sensitive, Slight Smut (Latter)

Warning: This is a mature, sensitive content. Please read at your own risk.


Baekhyun and Reader


'Different eyes, different perception, different impression'

1591 words

"That's strange. Why want to move in at late night? Could've just done it in the morning" you murmur to yourself while watching your new neighbour entering the house. "It's alright. I'll just greet them tomorrow" you continue to utter to yourself to sleep.

The next morning, you come out from the room and find out that your brother, Lay, is in the middle of breakfast.

"Good morning.... You're up early today" you sit in front of your brother while taking a piece of pancake he made earlier.

"Good morning. Yeah. I woke up early because I wanted to help our new neighbour settle down here. He rented our house next door. That's a good thing, we can get more money to support ourselves" your sibling responds.

"So means, we're his landlord now?" You ask, he nods.

After breakfast, you and your brother go to the next door when....

"Wait a minute.... I've seen him on TV...." you stop for a moment. "No way.... Is that Byun Baekhyun? The double million-seller something?" your mouth open when your brother bobs his head. "Wait, but. He's rich! Why come to this.... Unknown places?" you confused.

"Oh well, you know their world. I guess he just needs some peace or something" Lay reply. "I don't think this is a good idea. What if he draws reporters' attention? We will be all over the internet tomorrow! I don't want that" you are slightly worried about a famous figure presence.

"Then we'll pretend that nobody ever comes here" your brother simply answer you before walking into the house. "Hello! I am Lay, your landlord" and you could see your brother shake hands with the new neighbour. "I'm Baekhyun, nice to meet you. I'm sorry for the short notice. Don't worry, I try not to make any trouble here" he utter.

You and your brother leave Baekhyun alone in the house, and you take a sigh of relief upon coming back to your house.

"He's a homebody, I see" "Yeah, I guess so. I don't think he's ever come out from the house. I think all foods were delivered by his manager, but that's like what, twice for this week. I think the rest of the day, he cooks noodles only, maybe" Lay assuming things.

"Well, he's single, he's rich. He can just order without getting his hands on the pan" Lay takes a look at your sly reply.

"You know what, I got a better idea. Why don't you get your hands on the pan and cook something for him? He needs to feel some.... homemade meal" your brother suggest.

"Why do I even talk about that...." you sigh, still listening to your brother. After making a fast meal for dinner, you pack the food and

"How did you get in here?" you surprise to hear Baekhyun's voice.

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