Last Chapter (M)

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Fluff, Romantic, Slight Angst, Smut (Latter), Songfic

Warning: Contains mature, sensitive content. Please read at your own risk.


Baekhyun and Reader




'Fly to you, stay by my side, you're beautiful'

3705 words

It's been a year since Baekhyun last saw you briefly at the photoshoot. Although he managed to release his single, he is still distressed for no news from his source about you, but he is not losing hope and not giving up just yet.

One day.... Baekhyun is just finishing his bath while Chen and Xiumin are watching television when....

"Baekhyun! Baekhyun!!!! Come here fast!!!!" Xiumin yells from the living room. "There, on the screen! On the screen!!!!" he points his finger on the television screen.

"Y/N! She caught on the news' camera!" Baekhyun's eyes wide open when he sees a familiar figure whom he missed so much.

"Wait, I know the background" Chen responds. "I know this place. But... it is far away from here...." he continues.

"I don't care how far it is. I still want to fly to her and explain everything to her. Even if she doesn't forgive me, at least the situation cleared" Baekhyun takes a deep, heavy sigh.

"No, Baekhyun. You don't understand. I literary mean that the place is seriously, far away from here. You won't be able to get to that place in an hour or two, even three or four. If you really, really want to see her.... There's only one way we can do" Chen reply.

"How?" Xiumin implore.

"Well.... Just like what he did last time" Chen stares at Baekhyun. "Don't tell me...."

"Yeah. Hiatus, and be her next-door once again" Chen smirk.

"I guess you must have a plan in mind" Xiumin is curious about Chen's reaction.

"I do. But not sure if it's acceptable or not. Well, since we have been working so hard this past year, and.... with the rumours came out about your work performance declining and all that, why don't we take a break? You know, we can give chance to other people to shine in the entertainment industry too. If we keep releasing songs, go to concerts, attend radio shows, interviews, awards.... sooner or later, we will get tired too. We won't have a life outside of our careers. Don't you need a break?" Chen voice out.

"Of course, how can I work in top shape if Y/N is not around? My heart aches all this time just because of the misunderstanding" Baekhyun answers in low volume.

"So? What are you waiting for? You know what, if you confirm going there, let me know. I need a break too. And, just a sneak peek, I know one hidden, beautiful place there. I bet she didn't know about it. You should bring her there" Chen adds fuel to the fire.

"Let's get ready then".

And so, a week later....

You come out from the room and find out that your brother, Lay is already in the middle of breakfast.

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