Love By Heart

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A woman was crossing road. Suddenly a speeding car came and was about to hit the woman but a girl wearing mask came and push the woman. The woman got hit by the road light beside the road and she got fainted.
The girl went towards her and tried to wake her up, then she called for help and they took her to the hospital.
The woman got admitted in the hospital by the girl and a man who helped them and brought them hospital. The girl took her phone and found the number of her son. It seemed that he already know the woman and his son.
The girl called the woman's son.

Girl: Hello Mayank!

Mayank: Yes who are you?

Girl: I am Pa..Tanu! Your mother is admitted in hospital.
The girl told everything that happened.

Mayank: Ok Tanu I am coming!

[ The girl was Pawani but she lied to Mayank.]

Mayank left his house and drove his car to the hospital. In sometime, he reached the hospital and ask the receptionist and came near the room where his mother was admitted. He went there and asked the man about his mom and he told that she's admitted in which room.

Mayank: Where's the girl who helped my mom?

- She's there!
The man sad pointing towards Pawani who was going.

Mayank shouted from behind.
Mayank: Excuse me!

Pawani listened but she didn't turned back and left.

Mayank said to the man.
Mayank: She left!

- She was weird.

Mayank: Why?

- She was wearing a mask! I asked her the reason but she didn't told.

Mayank: Ohh!

Mayank was thinking about the girl till then the doctor came. Mayank went to the doctor.

Mayank: Doctor who's my mom?

Doctor: Don't worry she's fine and also got conscious! It's just a small wound, you can take her home.

Mayank: Ok thank you doctor!

Then Mayank took his mother to home. In some days, his mother got perfectly fine. Pawani was nowhere to be seen.

One day,

Mrs. Malhotra: Mayank there's a good news for you!

Mayank: What mom?

Mrs. Malhotra: Your best friend or I can say your childhood crush is shifting to our next house and that's why she and her mother is coming today!

Mayank: What! Really?

Mrs. Malhotra: Yeah!

Mayank started jumping in happiness.

After sometime, the bell rang and Mrs. Malhotra opened it. A woman and a girl came. Mayank also came there and saw that the girl was wearing a mask.

Mayank: Tanu!?

Mrs. Mittal: Mayank she's Pawani, you forgot your childhood best friend or I should say crush...

Mayank blushed.

Mayank: No Aunty how can I forget Pawani!

Mrs. Malhotra: Leave all this come inside!

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