I'm Here (Ben Drowned x Fem!Reader)

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A/N: In my headcanon, BEN is 19. Also sorry for the slow updates, I've been in the middle of a move. 

Song That Inspired this: Head In Her Heart - Nico Collins (The rooftop Sessions) 

WARNING: reference to physical and mental abuse. 

POV: 3rd person 

   He watched in anticipation at the girl before him. The life he lived can be boring sometimes, so he likes to stalk normal people to feel 'normal'. It's a calming little habit he's built up over the years. Hey, can you blame him? His job is stressful. But what he didn't expect was to fall into obsession. He honestly thought that his heart was incapable of loving again. But here he was. Watching over a human. The very thing he seeks revenge on. 

  The form of a female he was watching, tossed and turned in her bed. Sleeping silently bit having some sort of nightmare. His eyes scanned over her form. Small black and purple marks covered the smooth surface of her skin, he felt his heart tighten. Not the first time he's seen these familiar marks on her form. His eyes moved up, hand marks. Anger filled his mind, he was being blinded with a smoke called rage. Love was blinding him, it was changing his small heart. 

  But why? Why would she stay with someone like that? I could treat her so much better. His mind flooded with thoughts. For a moment he had forgotten what he was. He was a fiend. A villain. A killer. Someone who could help in the most twisted of ways. He may have killed people for a living, but he did have morals. And whoever this person was who was hurting his beloved had crossed this line in his head. He never enjoyed going into personal lives. But, this was different right? This was his girl, even if she didn't know it. 

  Cables picked up the phone sitting gently on the side table. Landing in his palm, he looked at the small piece of technology. The lock screen was nothing special. Just some flower field. Opening the phone easily, she didn't have a code. How strange. He noticed that the picture on it was her and him. So that was him... The smile was sickening. Even he could see the fakeness in it. 

  After some time of poking around her personal item, he gently put it back. His head turned to the sleeping body next to him. She looked so peaceful, he almost felt envious. When was the last time he even had a good night's rest? He couldn't even remember that. Did that even matter now? He was this far into his own rage and now paying for his greed. 

 He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of shuffling. He looked over at her again. Her eyes fluttered, and her body moved upwards stretching. Shit...

Her eyes looked at him. They stayed silent and just stared at each other which seemed like forever. Ben could feel a twinge of love home his chest. Looking into her eyes like this was a dream come true. Unfortunately, it seemed it wasn't the same for her. Her eyes darted open and she quickly back backed up into the wall, using her arms to cover her form. 

"D-Don't hurt me" She whimpered. Normally Ben would've been excited to hear those words. He always got satisfaction out of humans begging for their life. But, from her. It felt sad. What was happening to him? 

"I-" Words started to escape his mouth. He didn't know how to respond. How would she react to his glitchy scratchy voice? "I won't. I promise," 

If the operator or co-workers heard him now, they would've thought he had really lost it. He watched as the female's body slowly relaxed. Still on guard but not in a defensive position. her (E/C) eye's gazed upon the ghostly boy before her. He did look terrifying, but some small part of her subconscious knew he meant no harm to her.  

 No words were exchanged between the two, the air grew thicker with tension. Ben silently sat on the bed, right next to her. He faced away, wanting to give at least some form of space. (Y/N) watched his every move. Soon, the two were sitting in silence just enjoying the company. Both felt alone. 

"Who are you?" (Y/N) broke the ice in what felt like hours. Ben Turned his head to meet her eyes, 

"That's not important"

"Yes it is"

"And why's that?"

"You're in my house, my bed, and you don't sound-" She stopped. He knew what she was going to say. While it hurt, he knew it was true. He sounded like a monster, and he's pretty sure he is.

"Sorry" She let out in a small sigh. 


"Why what?"

"Why would you let him do this to you?" The two sat in silence again. She didn't want to answer. These situations are hard. Harder than people outside could ever know. Tears fell from her eyes. Ben just looked at her, face blank. But his heart tightened with rage and sadness. He knew she loved him. He could tell that much. "Do you- wanna talk about it?" He didn't know what to do. This wasn't a normal interaction. 

(Y/N) slowly nodded and moved closer. He could feel her body heat against his own cold form. He hesitantly moved his arm around her. She just sat there and allowed it. Deciding to see how far he could take this he moved her head to his chest.  A small blush formed on his cheeks. 

"Sorry, is this ok?" She just slowly nodded in response. They sat like this for a while. She told Ben everything. Every little detail, very small though, emotion, memory. Everything. Ben just sat and listened. 

He laid her down gently. After a few hours, she fell asleep. Ben picked up the blanket, tucking her in, and wiped her tears. A breath hitched in his throat, slowly moving to her. He left a small kiss on her head. He would be back after he does his job. 

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