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Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, that's life
Tryna make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die

The cold wasn't unlikely, not unpredictable, it had been there. The rain was like straw on a camel's back, no, chuck that, more like the dawn of realization, a fucking alarm to the hibernation when people were thinking, this is it, this is winter, a slap on the face, like the rain said "Forgot me?", and then it wasn't winter. It was as if fucking Antarctica, the continent, was pouring.

I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places where all the veins meet, yeah

The bells jingled when Harry walked in, smelling the droplets of coffee diffused into the air (he was studying chemistry, give him a break). Coffee made him smile because it was the start of the day and his thought on every day, including today, was 'Today will be better', and coffee was the perfect route to this quote, which he obviously didn't see on Pinterest.

No change, I can change

I can change, I can change

But I'm here in my mold

I am here in my mold 

He picked up his freshly brewed caramel latte, with a hint of pumpkin -even though he didn't ask for it- but he was grateful, because hey, it's The Holiday season.

Alright, it might not be The Holiday season, because it's 2nd January, when the long weekend of a month, ends. In his opinion, Second January is honestly the worst fucking day ever, isn't it supposed to be? Because Second January is the day he comes into the realization that new year's eve has ended, done. And here we go, it's school time.


But I'm a million different people
From one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no
(Have you ever been down?)

Music was still blaring from his iPod into his ears, it was his Christmas gift that he certainly didn't like to share with anyone. He was so fucking grateful for all the gifts he got this year because his mum could finally, finally afford gifts, and he didn't just get one, he got like, three. A pair of fuzzy socks, a vintage-type-ish journal, and his favorite, the motherfucking iPod.

He walked out from Black Walnut's, and immediately took a sip from his latte, oops. Mistake. He frowned and looked at his coffee as if it had done some harm because it technically did, it burned.

Well, I've never prayed but tonight I'm on my knees, yeah
I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now
But the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singin' to me now

He stood in front of the mighty gates his school had, and he really wanted to see the architect and say, 'It doesn't look like a rich school with the gates you've made, it looks like a fucking haunted house which isn't even haunted because the oh-so-perfect-and-unfortunately-alive students were already in there, thus, making it fucking h a u n t e d.'


No change, I can change
I can change, I can change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a millio-

He turned off his iPod, took a deep breath, and slid in the door, with a let's-enter-the-school-because-today-will-not-be-fucking-better smile.

He stood in front of his locker, with an expression somewhat resembling a grimace, and removed all of the club promoting and other extra-curricular activity posters which were half falling out of his locker. He placed some books and took some out and headed to the his Literature class. Why he had taken English Literature along with the science subjects he had, will always remain a question.

Liam swiftly sat on the seat just adjacent to him with flushed cheeks and his black coffee. 

"What's up?" Harry said in a hushed voice, careful if the teacher enters the classroom.

"Zayn and I talked last night." He was overhyped. Alright, let's start our day with the Liam-likes-Zayn-and-he-might-like-him-back-because-they-talked-until-2-am.

"How was it?" He was so interested. 

It's not that Harry minded hearing his best friend talking about his crush every time they met, no. But sometimes it's just a 'fuck you' from life to remind him, 'hello, you're single and nowhere near a relationship!'.

"He is so cute and so sweet. I mean what is that angel doing on Earth?" You

"Nice, that's good."

"Oh, Harry! We talked after midnight and he said I am his best friend-"

As if on cue, Zayn walked in with his actual best friend, not necessarily late, the teacher wasn't here yet, but they were usually the late arrivers. Louis and Harry were ...kind of best friends? They had started talking just because of Liam and Zayn's skinny love, but actually started being friends after a while.

This takes them to last year, Liam was dating Sophia, and him and Zayn had been texting quite frequently. They were apparently best friends since, and yeah it did not hurt to see his best friend come up to him and straight up say 'He's so special, he said I'm his BestFriend'.

Anyhow, there were apparently rumours that Zayn had a crush on Liam and Sophia was jealous of it. Long story short, Harry asked Louis if Zayn had a crush on Liam because Liam himself didn't have the balls to talk about it. Zayn did not have a crush apparently. Liam and Sophia broke up after a while, on good terms though, Harry and Louis started texting regularly and Liam now had a crush on Zayn which Zayn was oblivious to.

That sounded simple, but they made it dramatic.


hello, readers!

what's up, butterburp? (isn't that cute and irritating and gross at the same time?)

how did you like the prologue? it's just the basic setting of an idea :)

i appreciate constructive criticism! 

vote and comment!

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