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The sun shone through the window, heating up the bed. y/n moved around in the heat. She slowly opened her eyes to see a completely different ceiling. Then, all her memories of yesterday came back to her. She swung herself up and looked around. A gorgeous room was in front of her. A room that no commoner can afford. It was huge and gorgeous. It was y/n's dream room. All the things she wished for were in this room and that only made her creeped out. 

"What's going on?"

The only thing she remembers is getting sleepy after sitting on the sofa next to Zen's mom. She doesn't know why suddenly she became sleepy. She was energetic a second ago. 

If she slept, then it means that she was in Zen's house. She walked up to the door but realized it was locked. 

Maybe someone locked it unintentionally, she thought and forcefully pulled and pushed the door. It won't budge a centimeter. It was tightly locked. The next thing she tried was to scream for help.


She heard footsteps outside the room and got relieved that someone was coming to help her. Standing a little further from the door, she waited for it to open. Then, with a click, Zen came in with breakfast. 

"y/n! I'm glad you've woken up."

He placed the plate of food on the table and walked towards me. When he was close enough to kiss me, he lowered his head, his lips touching mine. y/n retreated quickly, rubbing her lip with her arm.

"What the heck?!"

She screamed. 

Zen continued to walk towards her until she is sandwiched between him and the wall. With nowhere else to go, she was stuck between his arms. Softly hugging her, he took a deep breath. The smell of her was making him go crazy. It tingled his urge to pin her down in bed.

"I thought I put too much drug inside the tea. I was worried you wouldn't wake up."

"What, drugs? Did you say drugs? What do you mean?"

y/n fiercely pushed him, but it didn't move an inch. He was strong and she was weak. But still, she tried and tried, hoping to get an escape. She needed to escape from the psychopath in front of her. If he is telling the truth, she needed to run for dear life. Who knows what he can do to her. 

y/n kicked him between his legs and smirked, looking up to see his expression. Suddenly, her face sunk in despair. He didn't even, flinch. She thought every man would crumble down to the ground if she did it but not him. Is he trained or something?

"What a fierce little kitty~."

Then Zen pinned y/n to the wall with his leg between hers. Now, she had no where to escape. His lips gently touched hers for a second before a hot tongue twisted in her mouth, devouring her. She needed to resist but her body was honest. She lost the strength and when she was about to choke, he left her lip. Licking his lip in satisfaction, he took a step backwards from her, letting her escape his grip. y/n used all her left energy to run up to the door just to find out that it was locked. She didn't even know when he locked it. Footsteps was heard from behind her. Every single step made her bones colder and colder. 

"Don't come near me... please, stop..."

She used all her power to push and pull the door, hoping it would break in any way. Still hearing those frightening footsteps, she was gradually losing hope. There were no where else to run inside this room. It was the same feeling as a rabbit and a tiger put in the same cage. y/n of course, being the rabbit. 

The thought of that made her cry. Tears roll down her face and wet her cheeks. Zen quickly walked up to her and comforted her.

"What's wrong, are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"I need you to let go, of me!"

She looked straight into Zen's eyes. Those beautiful eyes now show a hint of playfulness. He was enjoying this situation. Or, enjoying what is going to come after. 

"I can't do that. You see, I've been watching you from afar for a long time. You're the reason I went to that school. You get cards that smell like blood right? That's my doing. All to prove to you how much I love you."

"So, you want me to love you back by staying with you like this?"

y/n asked, half confused. She didn't understand what he wanted from her. Did he want love? Then he was never going to be able to get it because there was no feelings of love inside her at all. There's only fear. 

All of a sudden, Zen laughed out loud, holding his stomach. y/n was unable to organize why he was laughing until he spoke. 

"Me, wishing you to fall for me? You're so funny... Haa, that was quite a laugh. Let me tell you one thing."

He grabbed y/n's waist and pulled her towards him. 

"If you're by my side. That's all I want. I don't care about your feelings. Oh, but don't worry I won't kill you. That won't be fun."

"Even if you hate me, as long as you're by my side, I'm satisfied by it," he added. 

"Come, eat your food."

He grabbed y/n's wrist and led her to the table where there were breakfast. All kinds of food that looked expensive was lined up. All, what y/n liked. She sat on the seat, not touching any food. This was the only resistance she was able to make. Zen looked at her with a slight smile up on his face.

"So you're not eating, hmm?"

He took the spoon and scooped the soup, moving it to y/n's mouth.


It was more like a demand. But that was not going to make y/n obey to him. She was not going to eat anything until she's set free. Even if she dies, she won't eat it.

Zen sighed deeply. Then grabbed y/n's cheeks and squeezed the mouth open.

"Mmm! It hu- hurts!"

"Then, eat. I don't want to do this to you."

Zen sqeezed the spoon inside her mouth and she swallowed it. 

"Good job. See, you can do it."

y/n coughed by the sudden soup and tears appeared in her eyes. Her chin was hurting. It must be bruised by it. 

"You psyco."

She spit it out. 

"That's cute of you too~"

Nothing was working on him. He was a crazy man. 

"You know, my mother reacted exactly the same as you when my father kidnapped her. She drained in despair that eventually gave up. Then, they had me. I'm so grateful for the two of them. Maybe we're going to be like them too? Don't you think it's great? Hmm? You're together with me forever. Let's have kids, shall we."

His voice was so sweet and addicting that y/n was about to fall into the trap. 

"No wa-"

"You don't have an option."

Without even finishing the food Zen told to, he led y/n to the bed. Putting her and pinning her down, he sadistically smiled. Eyes full of lust. 

"I'll promise I'll be gentle. But I can't promise you that I can stop even if you beg me."

~~~~THE END~~~~

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