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"Sexist much?"

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"Sexist much?"

A while later

"FBI! Open up!" Derek called from outside the door.

"FBI! Open the door!" Hotch called as they got no answer.

He gave Derek a quick nod. He kicked the door as they entered the house. "Clear!" Someone shouted.

They moved upstairs, to the only room of the house.

Spencer had caught up with Derek as they nodded to each other.

Derek kicked the door as it flew wide open.

And to their own surprise, they found a dirty blonde haired woman in a white and black uniform.

She was sitting on the floor with her back leaning on the bed with a calm smile.

"Finally, you seemed to take forever." She spoke with a smirk.

"Where is he?!" Derek asked with anger in his voice.

"Where's who, Agent Morgan?" She asked confused as she looked at him.

Spencer furrowed his brows as to how she knew his name.

"Where is Romanoff?!" He asked as she smirked.

"Sexist much?" She asked him with an amused tone.

"You're Romanoff?" Spencer asked confused.

"In the flesh, doctor Reid." She spoke, she raised her hands in the air peacefully.

Derek went to cuff her, "Romanoff, you're arrested for-" He began as she interrupted them.

"Murder, and you have the right to remain silent, blah blah blah, you guys are no fun." She spoke, a Russian accent clear in her voice.

They took her to the vehicle as she kept her smirk on her face.


They all sat in the interrogation room, behind the glass as they looked at her.

She was looking at the glass window as if she was looking at them, with a smirk on her face.

She hadn't said a word since she was brought in, only sitting on the chair with a smirk on her face.

Spencer sighed and entered the room with files in his hand.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Spencer-" He began as he was cut off, "I know who you are, doctor Spencer Reid." She spoke calmly.

He nodded nervously as he sat down in front of her.

He pulled out some pictures of their victims, looking at her expression.

She kept a blank face, with a hint of a smirk on it.

"Clean shots, you must be experienced." He began as she scoffed.

"If you dug further in my past, you could say that." She looked away to the mirror.

"Did you do this?" He asked with raised brows.

"Do you know what family is, Doctor Reid?" She asked him as he furrowed his brows.

"If you would lose it, you would die. And I did ten years ago." She told him as she thought about her family.

"So you took revenge?" He asked her as she nodded with closed eyes.

She was still looking at the mirror. "I took revenge because those people killed my family, killed me. There's your confession." She leaned back on the chair.

Spencer stood up and joined Hotch and Derek behind the glass.

"She seemed too calm, as if she wanted to get arrested." Hotch said with a blank expression.

"If my whole family was killed, I would do the same thing, not even hesitating." Derek began as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I guess so." Spencer huffed as he crossed his arms.


She was taken to her new cell and the team flew back to Quantico.

The night had already fallen.

Hotch had told them all to go home and get some sleep, and that the paperwork could wait till the next day.

They all went back home to get a good night of sleep after the busy day they'd just had.

As Spencer unlocked the door of his apartment, he couldn't help but think about Yelena.

How she spoke, how she was so calm even though she was getting arrested.

He couldn't figure her out, it was weird to him.

That was the first time he din't have an answer for a criminal's behavior.

She got revenge for her family, that means that family is important to her.

That she would do anything for her family.

But the way she was proud of herself, she wasn't necessarily a psychopath or maybe a sociopath, but she didn't show any signs.

He shrugged it off and put on his sweatpants and a large shirt over it as he went to brush his teeth.

He slipped under the covers to go to sleep.

He couldn't shut off his mind, only thinking about the case.

Why couldn't he stop thinking about this? Why couldn't he stop thinking about her?

DON'T LEAVE ME, spencer reid [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now