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Nanon wake up early in the morning, because of grandmas death everything become a mess he have to make food, get pearl ready for school , when he was preparing her lunch he heard a knocking on the door, he opened the door and find a loan shark waiting outside,he asked nanons permission to sit and said he need to discuss something important, he says that nonna had taken a loan for the repairing of the house when he was away for studying but doesn't pay the interest and loan amount till the date, the documents of the house is with him and the amount will be very high because of not paying it for years
Since the grandmother died nanon will accountable for the loan, if he fail to pay back the loan within 1week his house will be registered in their name, nanon was already broken inside but this news made it worse, the loan shark left but nanon stood there with teary eyes, suddenly pearl come outside running and said "pappa, you see that fog and smell that's my lunch, now what iam going to eat today....

" Sorry bubba, pappa was little bit distracted.... Let me buy you something from outside on the way to the school,

"Pappa are you crying... Bubba will be saad if pappa cry....

" No baby, something went inside my eye's!!!

His mind was totally blank, his only procession that thought of selling was not even his, he will be left with nothing but debt, he was more concerned about pearl, after dropping her at school nanon went straight to see ohm at his farm house, he was afraid that he might have left because of what he said last day but for his surprise ohm was sitting in courtyard his eyes lit up when he saw him
"Ohm I need to talk to you, do you have some time???
" Yes iam always free, this is more like my vacation not a business trip...

" The land I was planning to sell you is actually not in my hands now, my late grandmother lended some money from a loan shark long ago for house maintance, she said she cleared the due but now he is demanding a high amount to give up on the documents!! If I don't clear his debts my only memory of family and home will be vanished!! I don't know what to do, during college days you used to say that you will help me when iam in trouble so you were the first one that came to my mind! I know I am already indebted to you but if you help me one last time iam going to do whatever you say "

"Whatever I say????

" Yes, I will keep my promise and will clear every debt even with my life!

" So answer every question clearly now??
Why did you leave college? Our room? And me????????? What was in your fucking mind when you wrote that ridiculous letter to me? When did you become a father?? Where is your wife or girlfriend???

"I had a medical emergency and i was not in my right mind then! As for the letter, you were only kind person I find the need to say a good bye that's why! Pearl was born 5 years ago after I left from university, my girl friend ran away with someone let's not talk about that anymore
Nanon lied

"The only person made me feel special so iam ready to pay all your debts and you can keep your land to yourself too, but you Will be signing a contract with me in which you will be working under me until your debt is cleared and you will moving to siam along with your daughter!

Party A will be obedient to party B

Party A will not runaway with prior notice

Party A will do whatever party B say

"Okay I agree!!!

" White clear all his debt by noon and get his documents and we will be leaving within 2 days so book the ticket , nanon and nong pearl will be coming with us too ;

Nanon was worried about the thing he is getting himself into but had no choice and the mere thought of being able to see him and sense his pheromones were happy for him, he went back into the kindergarten and informed teacher about shifting pearl into siam and done all the procedures, he met ink and asked her to look after his cafe and small crops he was growing, he convinced pearl about new school with large playground and lots of toys, he packed all their stuff and was ready to relocate , ohm was over the moon and was laughing hysterically making white and kim genuinely questioning the need of a PSYCARTIST


Ohm booked a luxurious apartment near to the company's main office for nanon and pearl, nanon rejected it first by saying he can't afford the rent but ohm said the company takes care of employees accommodation making white laugh because he is still living in his condominium even after working in the company for years, pearl was admitted into a prestigious kindergarten in the city, ohm felt that his life become lively and happy Again and the missing piece to his life's puzzle was nanon , white visited nanon and teaches him his basic duties, he started working with ohm and days went by ..........

To be continued

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