Coming home - Epilogue

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A/N: Hey guys this will be the last chapter of this story. I took some time of from writing and in general over the holidays. I hope you forgive me for that. This chapter will feature a different writing style in comparison to the previous ones. I wanted to get into a more fluent style of writing and not have it seem like a texting story. I will also be releasing a new story that will feature this type of style. More on that at the end tough. Now please enjoy this chapter and as always, any form of feedback is much appreciated.

After almost 2 months it was time for the new couple of Izuku and Kyoka to fly back home. For a bit they dreaded coming back home because of the questions from the class that will no doubt be asked. Especially from a certain pink friend of theirs. But the two were also glad to see their friends again. Kyoka could not wait to tell her best friend Yaomomo about everything that had happened. She also wanted to thank her for the little surprise and tell how much it helped.

Arriving back home the two teens were greeted by All Might or now only Yagi Toshinori. Kyoka found out at that moment that he was the mysterious benefactor of the trip that Izuku had talked about. Izuku also made a mental note to tell Kyoka about his relationship with the former number one hero and about his quirk.

Coming back to the dorms the couple was faced with an overwhelming number of questions for their classmates. Luckily for them the class vice president Yaomomo managed to subdue most of the class after only a few major questions, stating that the two must be tired from the flight and everything and to let them rest and ask more the next day. Only two people were not that glad to see the two again. Their respective former lovers were growling and tried to intervene in their homecoming. But the class did not let them.

The next few months until the class turned into 3-A and got into their final year at U.A. were not very eventful. Izuku and Kyoka spent almost every moment possible together the first few weeks after coming back. They somehow did not want to spend any second apart from each other. To some they seemed inseparable, but they liked it.

The last year was filled with tests and exams on end. But luckily the whole class managed to pull through until graduation. They were now ready to go out and be pro heroes. Not that a select few have already been acting as such. It was a rumor that it was only a matter of time till the next Japanese billboard charts for pro heroes came out after the graduation of class 3-A that Midoriya Izuku known as Deku would take the number one spot.

In the last weeks before graduation however said Izuku was very busy and calling in many favors. The day of the graduation was going smoothly so far. Not interruption during the award ceremony and even the more troublesome members of the two hero classes, namely Bakugo and Monoma behaved rather tame.

For Izuku the more nerve-racking task was still ahead. In the evening both classes had planed for an graduation party at U.A.. Before going there Izuku wanted to enact his plan. He asked Kyoka his then girlfriend of almost two years to get ready way earlier then needed and meet him somewhere.

"Hey Izu. What are we doing here? The party starts soon." Kyoka greeted her boyfriend from afar. Izuku looked up at her from where he was standing and could not take his eyes of her. Kyoka wore a white dress with slim straps and violet accents. Paired with violet shoes and a dark green choker. It was not often that she wore dresses but after getting together with him she did it more. Somehow Izuku managed to bring the girly side out of her. Kyoka herself would of course not admit to that but she liked it. The contrast between her normally slightly crass personality and this side of her.

"Hey Kyo. I wanted to show you something first. Something very important to me." Izuku replied. After that he took her hand and started walking in a direction. Kyoka walked up beside him and intertwined their fingers.

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