Chapter II - Do You Even?

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Before you read
I forgor 💀 to mention in the last chapter that Bonnie, Chica and Freddy still somehow have the souls of the og children in them and share memories of the 80's

It's been a year today, a year since Freddy and Chica lost another of their friends for the second time in their life.

Of course Chica missed Bonnie, but she moved on, she's living her life with the others of the band and not making a big deal out of it.

Freddy instead was having an hardest time, and when realization hitted him, it all became even worse.

He was now standing in his green room, gaze switching between the clock, the calendar, his vanity and then back again at the clock and so on.

That's how his pre-performance hours went mostly.

He didn't mind tho. He got used to it.

He got used to a lot of things he technically shouldn't have.

He's got used to his mechanical body, to his metallic voice and robotic endoskeleton. He's got used to the fact that he needs to charge ever so often to keep on with his day. He's got used to lose a lot of his old habits and gaining new ones.

It's weird now that he thinks about it. He's staring in his vanity lost in his thoughts again. He doesn't really feel like performing today. Feels dizzy and stuff. He thinks there might be a problem in his system making him feel like this. But the bear doesn't make a big deal of it, for he himself doesn't understand anymore what's real and whats only a ghost feeling of what he used to be.

Right, his old self.

It's been more than 40 years since he saw his family for the last time, it's been more than 40 years since his life was taken away from him and from his friends. It was so long ago that he is starting to think he actually never was a human in first place.

Does he even remember how it was like to be a child? No he doesn't. He feels like his whole life has been here trapped in a pizzeria, and the only ones who could understand him were Chica and Bonnie himself. And yet, Bonnie totally disappeared from a day to another and Chica didn't seem to mind as long as she could drown her sorrows into food. Yes, the other were of great company too but they could never understand how he felt like.

“Freds, it's almost time” he heard a soft knock before the door slightly opened to reveal Chica's head peaking in.

He looks at the time and nods. “Ten seconds and I'll be with you” he says as the chiken nods. He fixes his bow tie while hearing the light footsteps of the girl approaching slowly. She settled right behind him staring at him thru the vanity mirror.

Chica doesn't look like it but she's very smart, expecially when it comes of people feelings.  She rests an hand behind the bear's back and slightly pats it. “You miss him don't you?”

That was all it needed for the bear to totally break his usually happy facade.

“You can't tell me I'm the only one, Angie” being called with her actual name was all it needed for the boy to have all the girl's attention, a call back to the crude reality they lived, a reminder to don't forget who they really were “he was almost like a brother to you, wasn't he?”.

And yes it was true, they literally grew up together, from kindergarten till the last day of their life and even past it. She could remember all the practices they did together, almost all the performances, and now that she thinks about it, if she tries hard enough she can also remember the times before "the accident".

She sighed “yes. Yes Fred I miss him, but I also accepted the fact that he will never be back again. You are the one who was closer to him though, always been” and at that the bear could only nod “but think also that he might finally be free now and resting” she finished. But Freddy could not accept it. He can't believe he left without him, without them. It was already hard enough losing Foxy for them, he doesn't- no he CAN'T believe Bonnie is gone for good.

Chica notices her friend might be overthinking so she decides to speak again. “It's almost time, five minutes and we have to be on stage, wanna start going?”.

Freddy notices her worrying so decides to put on his usual behaviour and gives her a wide smile “sure thing”.

And with that the duo leaves for the nth performance in their afterlife.

Autor corner
Hiyo guys, Mikes back again and istg i didnt forget to post and if you see the "more than one week" pass no you dont 🙄
Sorry for the short chapter but school started again and I have first period finals and I'm thinking everyday more of dropping school😂😂‼️‼️‼️🥰🥰🥰😼😼
Anyways, hope you enjoyed and if you see a typo or mistake or shit like that lmk :)
See yall shawties in a week if i can 🏃‍♂️💨

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