Chapter 1

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The world is a very cruel place. Getting food can be really hard if you aren't trained in that field, and people aren't very kind. Even if you're starving to death it's highly unlikely anyone will give you anything because you can't give anything back in return. Same with thirst. Same with the cold. Same with injuries. And those demons. Those damn creatures that roam this earth, feasting upon human flesh. They're even crueler than humans. And since they were once humans themselves, that tells us a lot about our species.

Yes, a very cruel world indeed.

But I've realized that I am really lucky. Sure, my parents were killed by demons right in front of my eyes. Their skin tore off of their muscles slowly as their insides were carved out of their chests. Crazed laughter mixed in with the screams of pain. Loud screams. But I survived through all of it. As well as everything after that. Even at the most recent event, I was spared while another wasn't.

Yes, I am lucky, no matter how much it hurts to look at the empty futon in the room.

It had been two weeks, three days, and four hours since that event, I remember very well. Neither I nor my friend had left our room other than for training. During that time, I had taken time to try and replicate the mask of our lost friend. It was a reminder, to me, of another person I failed to protect. For my family, it was becoming a demon slayer. For him, this was all I could do.

My friend who had been hiding in the room with me, Tomioka Giyu was his name, hadn't left my side for the past two weeks. On the rare occasion that he was asleep, he would grab my arm and hold it like I would disappear too. And when he was awake he always made sure we were close enough that he could keep an eye on me. I understand why he was doing this, as I was doing the same when I wasn't working to perfect the mask.

However, we couldn't keep this up forever. We must move forward eventually, no matter how much the memories sting. And today had to be that day. When a man came to the small house the two of us and our master lived in. Our master hadn't been in much better condition than the two of us, but he did everything he could to make sure we had our basic needs. The two of us were very thankful for that. But I digress. This man was here to deliver the last thing we needed before heading out on our jobs. Our swords. Our nichirin blades.

Both Tomioka and I kneeled in the main room as Urokodaki led the man into the house. He was an odd one, that was for sure. Definitely very passionate about his craft. Went on and on about how important these swords were before threatening us with a knife and telling us not to break them. Tomioka simply nodded his head while I replied with a 'we will make sure to take great care of our swords.' The man let out a satisfied huff before giving us both our swords

I didn't unsheathe mine yet as I watched Tomioka do it. As he brought his sword out, a blue color started climbing its way to the tip of the blade. Soon, the whole blade became blue, the color of water. No surprise there, that was the style Tomioka used when fighting demons. That was the style our teacher taught us after all.

But I knew mine was going to be different. We all did. I hadn't been able to learn the water breathing style at all. Just the first form. Urokodaki had mentioned that it might have been due to the fact that I wasn't built for water. I was built for something else. And maybe my blade color could tell me what that thing is.

"Isn't she a beauty!" the man who gave us our swords cried out.

"It's a beautiful blue," I commented as I met eyes with Tomioka," It suits you very well I think."

Tomioka didn't reply. He just looked at the sword sadly before putting it back in its sheath.

"Now it's your turn!" the man cried while pointing in my direction," I wonder what color it will be! Maybe a red! Or a white! Anything would be incredible to witness!"

In the grieving snow (Demon slayer/ Assassination classroom)Where stories live. Discover now