Chapter 6 - Treatment

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Ellie was a short girl, with short dark mahogany hair, that curled funnily at the ends, and pretty forest green eyes. She had way too much energy, probably compensating over the fact Amelia had none. Amelia learned this was the girl that had brought her doctor brother the night she had been brought to the mansion.

She had come today to bring more clothes for Amelia, making a little squeaky noise when she noticed the latter was now awake. Ellie had almost run to Amelia's bedside, taking her hand in between her warm ones and smiling big.

"I was dying to talk to you!" The girl said, her beautiful green eyes running over Amelia's face.

"You were? Why?"

"Are you kidding? They brought you here when you were barely alive!" Ellie placed her index and middle fingers underneath Amelia's chin and raised her head to look better at her face "And Jungkook did an amazing job caring for you. No scaring whatsoever."

Amelia watched the woman smile fondly, eyes soft and sweet, and then get up from the bed to go pick up the duffel bag she had brought with her.

"So! I brought you more clothes, but I figured it was better to buy you stuff, considering I kind of want to still be able to dress in the morning. But you can keep that sweater, it looks better on you than it ever did on me." Ellie started, nodding over to the mint colored sweater Amelia had on.

From the bed, Amelia was overwhelmed by the sweet woman's endless chatter as she began to pull out the neatly folded clothes from the bag. Ellie had a bar, apparently. And her connections to the hospital, through her brother working as a forensic doctor. That was also how Jin and his brothers got hold of blood bags, that helped with their thirst.

When Ellie opened the closet to neatly arrange Amelia's new clothing, the latter was able to see men's clothes hanging there. It hadn't taken her much to know that this was Jungkook's bedroom. Sure she hadn't yet seen him sleep, he was always awake when Amelia woke up, but it was just a matter of logic. All of the things around the room were mostly male belongings. He had also been taking a shower the second time she had woken up.

But the fact that she suspected Jungkook was sleeping on the couch was making her slightly uncomfortable.

"Alright, do you want me to help you go take a shower?" Ellie finally asked, smiling at Amelia again.

"That would be nice... Just walking would be nice, even."

Ellie giggled cutely and then came forward to begin helping Amelia get out of bed. Her hands were strong and she seemed to know exactly where to grab so that Amelia wouldn't fall. Most likely because she had started to eat normally, her body didn't react like it did the day before, when trying to get up to reach Jungkook. The nausea didn't appear and her muscles weren't as sore.

"You'll be walking around in no time, don't worry. As long as Jin keeps you well fed, at least." Ellie joked, opening the door to the bathroom so the both of them got in.

It was a slow process that frustrated Amelia to the core. And the fact that Ellie was so patient just made her want to crawl out of her own skin and hide in a hole somewhere.

"Why are you good at this?" Amelia mumbled at some point, after Ellie had her settled in the toilet, towel wrapped snuggly around her body.

Ellie giggled, spraying some sort of hair product onto her palm and then using her fingers to comb them through Amelia's now dark hair.

"I used to take care of my grandmother before she went to a nursing home. She's no longer among us, unfortunately." Ellie said, her smile not wavering for a second.

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