Her Solider

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Hello everyone! If you want to read this story its now called Her Solider and is no longer a fanfic I know i said if take this down in February but im done being the fanfic writer. Im sorry but i hate knowing that everyone follows me because of a fanfic that I hate and not a story i made that I love. I realize all my other story's suck but. Im working on it, i know everyone loved this story but i dont. Her solider is the same story but no longer labeled as techno. Sorry if you all hate me, but I want to do this i love not what others love. Taking this story down means if you're here its because you like my writing not just a fandom you all watch on twitch and YouTube.

If you still read my books i thank you but i also understand if you unfollow or never look at my books.

Much love to you all.

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