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Here's my first story. Never done this before so I'm sorry if I suck let me know if it's good our bad please! There were many errors I know I'm sorry I've been lazy and it's harder on my phone.

I scream at him. "I hate you, you never loved me! It was all a huge lie. You've always just pretended she will always have your heart she will always have what I have always wanted..." as I finish in a whisper .. "You." I look at him the pain in his eyes. I just look down but next thing I know im slammed into the wall. Is he going to hit me what the hell is going on!? Then I feel his lips on my neck his hand inching up my shirt. His hot skin burning my icy cold stomach. His other hand behind my neck allowing no objection on my behalf. Not that I would have any his body had mine pressed against the wall giving me no movement at all. "What the hell are you doing?" I say trying to catch my breath as he kisses the spots on my neck he knows turns me on. He just moves his lips to mine and starts kissing me. Doing everything just right. Stop I try to say. But he bites my lip then goes back to my neck. I keep begging him to stop. don't get me wrong I like it but it's not right we're doing this. We just had a huge fight. I can't fight it anymore and I let out a small moan through my clenched teeth. He starts making out with me I can feel the smirk on his face. I just give in I wrap my legs around him. I knew there was no point in fighting him he always wins and start taking his shirt off. He.hesitates a little but doesn't object. I unbotton his shirt and start to take it off. He is working on my neck the way he knows that turns me on. I take his shirt off completely off. I let out a gasp he gets rigid. "What's wrong?!" "Your body.. Wow that's damn.. You know what uumm I think I need to go home." I unwrap my legs but then he pushes me against the wall again. I let out a small moan. He giggles. "You know you like it when I take control." "Stop I cant concentrate. With your. Can you put your shirt on please. I say with difficulty. I can't. Your body is. Damn." He wraps my legs around him again and carrys me to the couch. He sits me on top. I take over completely forgetting the conversation we had just seconds ago. he had that effect on me.i begin Kissing on his neck as my hand traces.his very nicely defined muscles. I start to move my hand down. Slowly getting closer to his good ol companion. I start to fumble with his belt as I bite his bottom lip. Then in the blink of a eye I'm laying on the couch with him on top restraining both my hands above my head with one of his. "What are you doing.?" I say surprised. He puts his Lips to my neck and says "well hunny you really think we're going to go that far this soon into the day." I close my eyes. He sent chills through my whole body. "So what's the point of going through all this and getting me all horny if you're not going to have sex with me." the hurt and disappointment evident in my voice. i just close my eyes avoiding his state. He never let's us get to far, so I should really be used to it but in reality I'm not. It's still and silent for a good two minutes. I open my eyes. I see him staring at me deep in thought. He finally says something. "you're a virgin." I answer I'm a tone that came out harsher than I wanted. "So? What I'm not good enough now? You know what just let me go please. I need to go shower our something." I struggle to try to get up but I barely move. He lowers his lips near my ear and whispers. "I'm just not good enough to be your first. I want it to be someone special." With that I wrap my legs around his hips and I bring him down. So he can't leave. I reply softly. "You are the love of my life.i can't imagine having my first time with anyone else. Come on please. I want you inside of me. I want you to be my first." I feel him get stiff but then I feel slight pressure on my hips. His hand goes to my waist and inches up slowly and hesintently. He stops right where my bra starts and says, "please tell me you were lying tell me you don't want me anything please just say it so I don't go on. I can't do this to you I'm going to hurt you. Not only emotionly but physically. You're so small compared to me. Believe me I want to really bad but ughh." I feel something poking at me between my legs. I realize what it is. I know I have him almost in complete favor. I move down enough do his hand slips onto my chest. Just as I do that I unintentionally pelvic thrust up to move down and end up turning him on beyond Caring. He starts kissing on me and moves his hand under my shirt and goes to the back to un lach my bra. Then his and moves up towards my chest again. I have my eyes close anticipating the moment when his hand finally reaches my bare chest. He stops and exhales deeply. I open my eyes and look at him. He says in a very steady and monotone voice. "You have to stare straight into my eyes as I do this. You are making it difficult for me to not do this even though I want it. So maybe if I make you look at me. You will stop it and I can finally maybe be able to pry myself off. You can't not look at me or I stop because it means you don't like it." I go to object but he silences me "i have to make you be the reasonable one here right now. Your body isn't allowing me to think stright. Fuck I'm going to hell.." He mumbles something else about getting me back for this or whatever. I really don't care. he moves his hand up he finally reaches where my boob starts and I bite my lip to keep my moans in he slowly and gently caresses it. All while staring into my eyes. I see his eyes filled with lust and something else. I end up letting out a moan. And he just goes down and starts kissing me. Knowing I'm not going to be reasonable today. My body is overwhelmed with ask this pleasure. We have never gone past making out do this was all new to me. I'm snapped back into reality when I hear his sweet voice. "You must really want this." He whispers as he kisses me. His hand playing with both of my boobs because he is still restraining me with the other. "Why" I reply softly catching my breath. "Because you can never look me straight in the eyes." "Mmhum will you let go of my hands please. I wanna feel too." "No that's the point. You don't get to feel as punishment for seducing me." "That's not fair!" But he doesn't reply. Instead he moves down and moves my shirt up as he begins to kiss on my naval and moves up. I start to struggle. He continues kissing up. Then he begins sucking on my boobs. Gently at first buy then gets rougher. I can't help but moan. He pushes my shirt up and covers my face. He sucks on my nipples. My back arches from the pleasure I guess it turned him on a lot because he lets go of my hands and rips my shirt and bra completely off, his hand and mouth alternating boobs every so often. I start to moan badly after this. My hand is interwinded in his hair my other hand clenching the couch trying to control myself. Out of no where I hear a voice. "babe I'm home. Did you cook dinner.?" I freeze. Its her... "Heyy get up stop your girl is here." i whisper but it's to late she sees us right then and screams. she starts telling him off throwing stuff. It doesn't seem to bother him because he continues to do what he was doing. I try pushing him off, as I yell at him but he doesn't respond. He finally stops after she finishes cursing him and his while lineage off. "Ok well can you go now please. Oh and leave the keys on the table please." He says in the sweetest voice ever. She throws the keys at him and marches out. We hear the door slam and he just starts laughing. "What the hell is your problem?!" I yell at him. he just looks down at me. he's now sitting on his legs between mine. "Nothing why?" He replies nonchalantly as his hands move very slowly up my leg i go to sit up but he pushes me back down. "Let's pretend like that never happened ok". I start to reply buy he shhes me. I stay quiet for a moment. i can feel him starting at my face but I don't react. I'm still posed of over what happen. I feel him get up and I open my eyes but hes already picked me up and we're walking towards his room. "Where are we going?" He doesn't reply. I stay quite he puts me down on the floor of his room I turn to him and smile like always I forget the argument that just occurred seconds ago and I tippy toe and reach up and pull him down. I start to kiss him. My chest pressed to his. His hands move down to my ass and pull me in. I push him towards the bed. And when we reach it I push him onto it. I go to get on but then he says "stop." I freeze "what's wrong did I hurt you?" "No no I just need to umm change my sheets." I give me a contorted look but I say ok ill help. He says no in a harsh but sweet voice. "Oh umm ok. Well I think I need a shower anyways. Our living room experience got me a little hot haha." "ok ya go ahead there's towels in the bathroom." He says a little detached "Ok well can I barrow a shirt and boxers?" I reply trying to hide my hurt "Sure get em." I walk to the bathroom. I think over the events that just happen. I'm so stupid. I always even up forgetting we were fighting when I'm close to him. He has egad affect on me and he knows it. I go to shower ashamed of myself. I sit under the steamy water for a good ten minuetes before I start to wash my body then out of no where I feel arms wrap around me. I let out a gasp. He just giggles. "What's wrong" he says as he kisses my shoulder. "N-nothing y-y-you just su-urprised me umm w-what are you doing-g?" i say studering horribly. its not my fault. He has the effect he does on my when he's clothed it's obvious it'd be worse with him nude. "What do you think?" His hands slip up unto my chest. My hands goes on top of his "wait" fear clearly evident in my voice he pulls me in close. "This is what you wanted remember?" He starts to let go I turn around and look at him "i do" I reply with lustfull eyes "but seems like you've changed your mind." He says with concern and a slight hint of happiness in his eyes "No" he just stands there and looks at me. Its evident he is frustrated his plan didn't work. He wanted to scare me out of wanting to do it. He slowly pushes me against the opposite wall of the shower head. He kisses me as his hand slips down between my legs I object a little but he says he'll be gentle. He spreads my legs and he looks me in the eyes. I guess he sees fear because he kisses my lips and says to trust him. Just as he says that I feel his fingers slip between my lips I wrap my arms around him and breathe roughly. As he starts playing with my cliterous I bite on his shoulder from pleasure. I kiss on his neck as I pull my legs up and wrap them around him his hand slips up to my chest and we start to make out but then he presses me against the wall and starts to get on his knees as he puts my legs on his shoulders. He starts to kiss on my inner thighs.

Ok so my friend points out that my story sucks in all aspects. I know I'm sorry. It was a year ago and honestly I'm not a huge fan of it either. So this story is done with not that anyone read it anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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