Ch. 13: Good News on A Bad Day

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(Intro starts, Ready to Play by Club Player)

This is a dream world, we're living in.

Junior is seen sitting on a couch in the IMP break room, polishing his guns.

Every move feels like a beginning.

Junior is then seen sitting in the meeting room with the others, sharpening his scythe with with a sharpening stone.

I can't believe my eyes.

Blitzo is standing before them with his hands behind his back.

I'm feeling so alive.

Blitzo slams an order form and a photo of the target on the table.

All the colors in overdrive.

Everyone looks at the photo and Junior smirks a bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Junior stand up and twirls his scythe in his hands.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aim high, aim high.

Millie and Moxie stand up, ready for action while Loona lazily gets up and rolls her eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Game time, game time.

Loona sends a look to Junior, sending a small smirk at him while Blitzo comes to Junior with a smile on his face.

Power up, here we go.

Junior lifts his scythe before swinging it, opening a portal to the mortal realm.

Are you ready to play?!

The group stands before a castle in London, England.

Are you ready to play?!

The group charges into the castle though a back door, leaving a two dead guards on the floor.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips. There's nothing like this.

They make it to the master bedroom and see group of guards before them.

Are you ready to play?!

The guards point their weapons to Junior and the others, ready to kill them to defend their king/queen.

The future's today!

IMP gets ready to fight, Moxie pulling out a shot gun, Millie pulling out a mace, Blitzo pulling out a flintlock gun and dagger, and Loona growls and bares her fangs.

Get ready. The world's at your finger tips.

Junior smirks at the guards before pulling out one of his guns.

Are you ready to play?

Junior shoots the bullet at the screen in a flash of light.

(End of Intro)

The hell sun rose over Imp City as a certain apartment building came into view, where two people were snuggling in bed after a blissful and passionate night.

"Good morning." Loona said, waking up first and greeting her boyfriend.

"Morning, beautiful." Junior said, smiling softly to his girlfriend/mate. "Hope you're not sore from last night. I went a little rougher than usual, since I did owe you a bit."

"Yes, you did and I don't mind. It's a nice feeling, surprisingly." Loona said as she leaned up.

"Good to know." Junior said as he leaned up.

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