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Elijah was seriously resisting the urge to throw his test out the window. When he was only eighteen and applying for Columbia, he thought the AP classes he was taking then were hard. If only he could go back in time and warn the younger version of the truth.

Thank God this was his last final. After a week of torture and studying, this would be his last one and he could finally head home for winter break.

Even if home was in the busiest city in the world.

He just couldn't wait to get home and not have to worry about finance and could just spend time with his little sister, girlfriend, and best friend. All he had to do though to get there was to finish this last problem, but at the moment, the fantasy of going home for Christmas was way too strong.

That was until his best friend, Rachel Gonsalez, elbowed him from the desk beside him. Elijah snapped out of his stupor and shot his friend a glare as she rolled her eyes. Of course, she had already finished the exam, but was going over it for the tenth time waiting for him to be done as well.

Finally, giving up on the last answer of the exam, Elijah just circled a random number and gave Rachel a nod before both stood up to turn in their tests. Professor Green sat at her desk, watching the remaining students finish up.

As soon as they finished, both of them ran out the door quickly and outside into the chilly New York air.

Letting out a sigh of content, Elijah felt the cold on his skin and smiled. "Yes, finally free of that prison."

Bundling herself up more, Rachel began to shiver. "Yeah, speak for yourself, we're not all made for the cold weather."

"Should have thought about that before going to a college in the north." Elijah teased, causing her to roll her eyes. "Are you sure your parents are okay with you spending Christmas break here with my family? I mean, I'm sure it's gotta be warmer in Florida than here."

Rachel shrugged, looking down at the ground. "You know how they are. They really don't give a shit about what I do."

Biting his lip, Elijah dropped the issue as Rachel kicked at a piece of litter in the road. Rachel didn't like to talk about her family almost as much as Elijah hated speaking about his. So, both of them mutually decided to never bring it up really.

"I still can't believe your dad isn't going to be home for Christmas." Rachel shook her head. "I mean, does he want to drive Iris away from him, too?"

Elijah groaned and stated, "Iris would forgive him for blowing up an orphanage so it really doesn't matter what he chooses to do."

Unlike his merciful sister who saw the good in everybody, Elijah refused to see that in their dad. He was a really good lawyer and provided for their family, but he wasn't the type of guy who defended the innocent. No, he liked to defend the bad guys. You know, the killers, illegal weapon dealers, and even the gangs who sold drugs like Anarchic. And most of the time, he won his cases.

Jake Meyer believed that there was no distinct line between good and bad. He believed that even the "bad" guys needed a voice to represent them. At first, Elijah tried to understand and had faith that his dad was doing the right thing. Then when his beliefs chased mom away, he stopped thinking it was true.

"Hey," Rachel and him got to the bus stop and she asked, "Are we still good to go out tonight?"

Elijah nodded as the hover bus approached them. "Yeah absolutely. We pregame at my place before heading to the club?"

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