Chapter 5: A Fun Time At Bonnie Bowl

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                                                           ~Y'N's POV~

As we all head into Bonnie's Bowl, I couldn't help but keep thinking about slow dancing with Freddy, that's something i'll probably never forget. I look up at Freddy and quickly look away when he catches me looking. I can see him smirk out of the corner of my eye. "Alright! Is there gonna be prize for the winner?" Monty smirks while setting up the bowling lane. "Hm, there could be, how about whoever wins can dare one of the losers to do something?" I suggest while getting my bowling ball. Roxy smirks looking at Chica, "Sounds good to me" Chica jumps and hides behind Freddy as we all laugh. "Let's get this started then!" I exclaim smiling.

We are about 5 turns in, and so far, i'm losing, I don't what know else to expect, i'm facing against animatronics here. I sigh as I look up at the score, "How am I only at 56?!" I exclaim while looking at the scores, Monty has 98,Freddy has 92, Roxy has 88, and Chica has 79. Freddy laughs, "What? Did you expect a higher score against US?" He smiles and goes and takes his turn. I laugh and shake my head, 'Cute, very cute' I think while watching everyone take their turns and have a good time.

"Who wants pizza?!" Chica exclaimed while setting some pizza down on the table. "Hell yeah!" Monty yells while eating 3 slices. "Can I ask you guys something?" I ask while looking at the pizza. "What's up?" Freddy asks, a concerned look on his face. "You guys are animatronics, but don't act like them, you act like humans, why's that?" I ask, they all stare at each other not knowing how to respond. "Just how our programming is, we only act like this tho around each other, the kids, and well now you. Vanessa isn't the nicest, and we prefer to stay away from her." Rozy explains while taking her turn. "Oh.." I say watching her.

After finishing up the game and seeing the score, Monty won, I don't know what I expected facing against them, pretty sure they mainly got strikes. "Alright Monty, who's doing the dare?" I ask, putting away the bowling balls, Freddy helping me. "Hmm, no clue, gonna have to think on it" He smiles winking towards Freddy. I shrug it off and head back out to the main stage checking my phone, '5:45am, almost time for me to leave' I think while going back to my locker to collect my things.

                                                            ~Monty's POV~

I smirk as Y/N leaves looking over at Freddy. "Hey! Freddy!" I say walking up to him. "What do you want?" He questions stopping in his tracks to face me. "I have a dare for you." I smirk and his eyes widen. "Me?! Why?!" He exclaims as I laugh at him. "Because that was the bet! The winner gets to CHOOSE the loser! I am choosing you." He sighs while looking at me. "What's the dare?" He asks crossing his arms. "You gotta ask Y/N to see a movie, the next time she works night shift" I smirk waiting for him to deny it. "Fine, watch me" He says standing up, my jaw drops. "You got something to tell me??" I step in front of him. "Uh, no?" He says trying to get around me. "Sure, sure, I got my eye on you." I say following him out to the main stage. with Chica and Roxy behind.

We see Y/N heading towards us with all her belongings. "Alright guys, it's my time to leave, please head back to your rooms, Vanessa should be coming in shortly after me." She says smiling. "No problem, see you around Y/N." Roxy says turning to leave, "Bye Y/N! Can't wait to see you again!" Chica says smiling and waving following behind Roxy. "When do you work again Y/N?" Freddy asks, "Thursday I believe." she answers smiling. "Alright, i'll see you then." Freddy smiles while turning and heading to his room. "See ya babe!" I smile and wink at Y/N causing her to give me a dead stare, I laugh and head back to my room.

                                                                 ~Y/N's POV~

I sigh and shake my head at Monty calling me 'Babe' and wave bye to them all before heading to the doors and locking them before getting in my car. 'Maybe they aren't so bad after all, I actually enjoyed my time tonight, especially when me and Freddy danced' I thought, I could feel my face getting hot and shaking my head to get the thoughts to go away. I arrive home and head inside and heat up to my room and get undressed from my work clothes and changes into shorts and a tank and lay and bed. I pull out my phone and decide to play some games before falling asleep shortly after.

                                          ~Time Skip To The Next Morning~

I wake up and check my phone, '12:30? Not bad..' I thought while sitting up and stretching. It's my day off and i'm excited to just stay in bed and eat snacks all day. I smile at the thought and get up to go downstairs. "But mom! Cody and Sean are going! I said I would be there!" I hear Gregory say to my mom while walking past them to look in the pantry. "I'm sorry dear, but your dad is working and I need to leave for work soon myself." Mom says while sorting through some mail quickly. I see Gregory looking at me in the corner of my eyes. 

"Y/N! Can you please take me to the Pizzaplex today?! I promised friends I would go!" He says pulling on my arm giving me the puppy dog eyes. I sigh, "What's in it for me?" I say turning to face him leaning against the counter. "Uh, you can control the TV  channels for a week!" He says, still begging. I sigh, "Fine, but only for a few hours!" I say as Gregory jumps up and down. "Thanks Y/N!" As he runs upstairs to get ready. I look over at mom, "Thank you hunny, I appreciate your help." She says smiling giving you a kiss on the head while heading out the door. "Be safe mom." I say while heading upstairs to get ready.

I check the weather before choosing an outfit, '72 degrees? Not bad' I think while looking through my closet. I pick out a nice summer dress and some sandals  and put my hair up in a messy bun and check myself in the mirror. "Good enough" I say while grabbing my phone and purse and head downstairs. "Gregory! Are you ready yet?" I yell while grabbing my keys. "Coming Y/N!" Gregory says while running down the stairs wearing his favorite hat. I smile, "Let's go bud." I say while we head out locking the door and start heading towards the Pizzaplex.

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