Chapter 2- My Secrets

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Your POV:

"-I won't hide the ways I tried, it just ain't right," I scribbled down in my lyric book and recorded my vocals. "Chorus: 'I don't wanna be your girl no more...I just wanna see your face at home'..." For a while now I've been working on a song cover/ remix for "Don't Wanna Be Your Girl" by Wet. I played around with my soundboard and finally discovered the perfect beat. By now your probably like, "Oh look the 'vampire' girl is making music!" Well actually, I was making this song because of my ex boyfriend, Devon. He was pretty dark, like me. But after he found out about my craving to be a vampire, he broke it off. The relationship, of course. One year later, here I am, sitting in my room, singing about nothing. I did my music in private so that Jeff wouldn't hear me. He'd think that this whole thing is lame. Every day before I start working, I lock my door and shut my windows. I usually close the curtains, but today was rainy, which I enjoyed. The water droplets on the window pane inspired me in some ways. It was odd...


Jeff's POV:

I stared into my own bedroom from outside of the house. I saw my smeared reflection in the damp window in front of me. Despite the murderous feelings I had inside of me, I was always smiling. Sometimes I do regret my decision to carve into my face. But the memory of Aim and the always slipped me out of my regret.

I was losing myself in thought when I heard a beautiful song fill me ears. The sound of rain smashing against the earth made it difficult for me to sense the direction in which the music played. I walked left of my own house where the music seemed to come from. As I neared Aim's house next door, the sound grew louder and only more intoxicating. I ran towards her closed window and wiped away the mid-day fog so that I could see inside. Aim was singing, her eyes closed with emotion. I've never heard a more delicate voice before. I watched and listened for a long while. Occasionally she would mess around with her sound board and sing while it played, adding more to her beautiful vocals. I'm glad she couldn't see me, because she seemed so focused in her work. It was amazing. SHE was amazing.

Your POV:

I'd realized that I've been singing and recording for most of the day. When finished, I packed away my equipment and walked towards the window. I jumped back in horror to discover that Jeff was sitting by my window, staring into an abyss of nothing. He seemed memorized, but all I could focus on was if he'd heard me. I quickly unlocked the window and slid it up and open. Jeff flinched, not realizing that I'd found him. "UM, I uh-" he tried to explain. "Jeff! Why are you here?! Were you listening to me!?" I asked angrily, but the carved smile on my face made me seem excited. "Jeff stumbled off of the edge of the window and Into my bedroom. "L-Listen! I heard you sing and I just got lost in your voice! You sound beautiful and I only wanted to hear you sing...I'm sorry.." He sat on my bed and put his head in his hands. "I-it's ok I just...I tried to keep my music secret. I thought you'd think I was lame..." I trailed off and sat by my window collecting rain drops in the palm of my hand. Jeff looked up and genuinely smiled. "Aim, I think you're awesome!" He exclaimed. I smiled and looked at him. "Thanks. You're pretty awesome too I guess..." I blushed. He got up and sat next to me. We stared out of the window for many hours. Jeff was sleeping on me after three. I looked at the boy, blushing at the fact that he was now so comfortable around me. I pondered for a while about everything and nothing. "Jeff and I...with the extremes that I've went through for him....we've got to be official by now.." I thought to myself while I pushed his dark black hair away from his neck. "" I neared his neck and kissed it. I felt his body relax and I blushed. Slowly, I pushed my fangs through his skin, earning a small sigh. I pulled out and kissed his neck, smiling. Surprisingly he was still asleep. I decided to go and get some water. I left the boy sleeping against the window. Oh how cute...

Jeff's POV:

Aim neared my neck, sending shivers up my spine. I didn't want her to know that I was awake. She slowly sunk her fangs into my skin. It felt amazing. I let out of sigh of pleasure while she pumped her teeth back and forth in my skin. She then raised her head from mine and walked out of the room. "Whoa, we're official now! I've waited for so long....finally..." I thought to myself. She walked back in a few minutes later drinking a bottle of water. I tried to look as if I just woke up. "Morning Jeff," she said sitting across from me. The slightly pleasurable pain began to take effect. I rubbed my neck and looked up. "Thanks, by the way.." I said looking up. She smiled, "We're now one in th same, I guess," she blushed nervously. I shot up and kissed her. I kissed her so passionately that she had no choice but to give in. She groaned while my hands traveled up and down her sides. She put her hand on my chest and pushed. "J-Jeff, we're only 13. We can't do this. Not now.." I backed off and sat up. "Haha, carried away..." And I kissed her cheek and slid out the window. "I'll see you later I guess..." I said awkwardly and ran towards my own window. I popped in blasted her song on repeat.


Sorry I hadn't updated in days! I hoped you liked this chapter anyways. Make sure to comment and vote! Side note: "My Cat-Nosed Crush" will be updated either later today or tomorrow.
YG signing out~ xoxo

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