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" whatever but u can't ride a horse for sure"

" Will see! Subhi ready "

" Yeah sure di "

" Maharaj, please come to the Ground fast" a man shouted.

Everyone started panicking because the man seemed to be scared (according to his vocals)

Maharaj drupad along with his ministers came down running.

" What happened?" asked a stunned Drupad.

"Maharaj, this is a wild horse! We r not able to control but if we don't stop it in time then it can destroy the royal property and houses" said the mam who worked in the stable.

" Hey Prabhu, save us! Soldiers!!"

"Ji Maharaj "

" Catch the horse rn"

"Ji Maharaj "

The soldiers tried their best to stop the horse but couldn't instead the horse pushed them to the ground.

" Maharaj, ig u should return to the palace. This horse can hurt u"

"Hmm...u r right. Putriyon come with me"

Drupad started walking but then suddenly the horse started running towards Maharaj drupad.

Maharaj got scared nd due to some mis balance,  he fell on the ground. The horse was about to climb over him but suddenly.......

Someone just grabbed the horse nd took it the other side.

Everyone was shocked. Draupadi ran towards Maharaj and helped him to get up.

The horse was furious yet couldn't loosen the grip. The grip of the person was too tight nd hard for him to move.

Nd the person was none other than

Our Subhiiiiiiiii!!

Slowly the horse calmed! She started focusing nd made an eye contact with the horse.

The horse started to behave as if subhi was its frnd!

Subhi got up nd started to ride on the ground!

The ones who thought she couldn't ride a horse, it was a invisible tight slap on their face. The others were proud of her!

"This is my daughter! Proud of u. But I m sad that one day u will leave me nd go to hastinapur " said a sad as well as a proud Drupad.

" Pitashree, don't worry. Your daughter will never u."

"Can someone answer me that why is rajkumari Subhadra so perfect in everything! In painting, horsing,cleaning ( the palace, clothes nd her enemies) , dancing, singing,poetry. She can use a thousand types of weapons nd she is a perfect warrior!" Said Mala. ( Subhi nd drau's bestie)

(The other besties will/would be introduced later)

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