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Next day,
After walking up Sid went for exercise and then went for shower.
After completing shower He went for Breakfast

The caretaker of the house, Lina aunty  was serving him food

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The caretaker of the house, Lina aunty  was serving him food

The caretaker of the house, Lina aunty  was serving him food

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Sid was eating it in  silence while checking his phone.

Avu's side,
Avu also wake and saw Sid wasn’t there so she also went for shower and get dressed

When she came down, Lina aunty saidLA: Good morning, madam!!😊Avu: Good morning, Aunt btw so hungry pls give me something to eat😁😁LA: Of course, sit

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When she came down, Lina aunty said
LA: Good morning, madam!!😊
Avu: Good morning, Aunt btw so hungry pls give me something to eat😁😁
LA: Of course, sit.

Avu while eating" uhmm it’s so tasty "

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Avu while eating" uhmm it’s so tasty ".
LA: Thank you, mam.
Avu: Hey don’t call me mam I'm younger than u, pls call me avu!!!
LA: Okay, Avu!!

Sid's pov,
She is still like a kid but why did she done that?!

Sid: I'm done, Going. Bye
Sid stand up while cleaning his mouth with tissue!when Avu said.

Avu: I'm also done!  And I'm going for packing bags!

Avu running when Sid asked

Sid: Where are you going?

Avu: Where you are going!

Sid: Mean?

Avu: mean as I have the work of finding Mrs.Nigam so I need to go Goa too.
and I'm getting late so bye or I will miss my flight!!

Soon Avu went upstairs!

Sid also leave.

After one hour,

Avu was now waiting for Jannat in airport!!

Avu was now waiting for Jannat in airport!!

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Avu: Jaan, why did you came late??😐
Jan: Actually you know nah this traffic!!
Which sucks a lot!!😩😩
Avu: Hey stop your drama and let's go 😑

After some hours,

  In Goa airport, A lots of people was together discussing something and a girl was trying to be close to a boy!

Boy: Stop it, Roshni!

Ro: Why what happen sid?🥺🥺Sid: Nothing 😑

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Ro: Why what happen sid?
Sid: Nothing 😑

Sid's pov,
Where is this dumbo!!!  This roshni is so irritated!

Soon  another boy came and hug him.

Sid: Why are you so late?😐Faisu: Actually you know nah how much fans I have they were not ready to come me 😌😌 Sid: stop the drama 😑and let's go

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Sid: Why are you so late?😐
Faisu: Actually you know nah how much fans I have they were not ready to come me 😌😌
Sid: stop the drama 😑and let's go....

So that was for today.
Hope u enjoyed it!
Bye and take care.
Pls forgive me for mistakes.
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