Chapter 5 - The tension at the table

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I can't stop thinking about what that shark did to Jocelyn. It won't leave my mind and I get angrier and angrier everyday - which is the least she needs. She needs someone who's calm, sensitive. I am not.

Ever since that night I've done all I could to take away everything from the sharks and take over their empire, and it was working. Most of Frankie's men left the sharks as their business turned to absolute shit. I sure was glad. Jimbo had delt with clearing up all the blood shed mess we made at the dock as I just couldn't afford to have the police on my back about it, they already had been keeping a close eye on me for awhile now.

Today my plans were to go through some emails about the club and have the family over my place for dinner; I was getting a personal missioning star chef from Italy to come and cook a three course dinner. The starter was going to be bruccetta with sundried tomatoes, mozzarella and basil - underneath lays a bed of fresh olive oil and when it soaks into the bread it adds that extra touch. Main would be a classic mushroom risotto sprinkled with hand crushed pepper and dessert is a selection of cannoli as it's my younger sister, Sofia's most adored food.

I didn't know whether I should invite Jocelyn to the meal or not, she hadn't been that talkative toward me these past few days and has just been sleeping or reading a book. Her face was always shattered and she looked like she was ill, she was never hungry, yet of course that didn't take away her beauty. She still didn't look happy at all and I didn't like seeing her unwell. It contributed to my fury immensely and was stressing me out.

Rosa was the only person she spoke to about things. Normally the girls I'd brought back home, were rude and obnoxious, they thought they were above Rosa. Jocelyn was different: she was polite and well mannered. She even washed up her own dishes, cleaned up her room and helped Rosa with multiple chores. She had independence and I was attracted to it.

I asked Rosa what her and Jocelyn's conversations were about and she said that it was just casual and friendly, Rosa said she was a nice girl and worth me waiting for. Rosa was like my mother in a sense, I confided in her about my problems with girls and asked her for advice. She was a good listener and supported me when my Father died.

Rosa was a humble woman who'd always worked for her money to share with her family back in Mexico. The pay she received from me was exceedingly high, I made sure of it. I wasn't going to let her suffer the way she was. The pay was about sixty grand per year and I paid for her two son's college tuition, cars and a range of other things.

Ever since Rosa's husband passed away she broke her back for a single penny, she originally worked at a little cleaning firm in Mexico that didn't make much profit. Jimbo had found her and her team on a website looking for cleaners for the apartment, and the reviews were pretty good, so he told me and I hired them. Rosa needed more money than the other cleaners so I moved her and her son's to New York, gave her a job to work as a housekeeper, and brought them a house down in Manhattan with a Jeep.

It was rare that I waited for a woman and worked for their affection but this time I was willing to. I liked Jocelyn alot, even though I don't know her too well, yet my mum wouldn't be happy as it's not Ninetta and because Jocelyn's a person who comes from a poorer background. We've always had the luck of being brought into a wealthy family and my mother wanted to pass on that legacy through her grandchildren. I on the other hand, never cared if my partner was rich or poor, it was about who they were as a person and the beauty they hold - inside and out. Jocelyn had all the qualities I required.

My siblings would approve of Jocelyn, for definite Alania. Her and Jocelyn would get on very well, they're both intellectuals and care incredibly about social issues.

Rosa gave me a idea for a way to invite her to dinner so I sent her ten large bouquets of flowers, pink roses and all sorts from the most prestigious florist in town with a note reading 'To mi amore Jocelyn, I invite you to dinner with my family in the dining room at 7pm. I'll understand if you don't want to join me X' and left it outside her bedroom door. There were also homemade coconut cookies Rosa made, which tasted delicious - wrapped in white lace and a gold bow. This was the biggest thing I'd ever done for a girl, I can only hope she says yes.

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