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"Never stop. Always keep walking." Road Kamelot said to Allen Walker as she laid limp against a giant Timcampy "Neah left those words for Mana."

"Road, you're awake!" Allen exclaimed.

"Yeah, he spent his whole life fighting for Mana."

A single tear falls down Allen's cheek.

"But that's supposed to be a secret." Road last word fell from her lips as her body dispersed into cyan particles

"Road!" Allen yells running over to Road form reaching out to her.

The white-haired boy lets out a gasp as Road's form fully disappears. Clenching his fist in anger, remembering the final words she said to him.

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What is happening? Am I dead? Why haven't my Noah memories been passed on? This wasn't supposed to happen. 

Why is it dark? Why can't I see? It's so so dark. I can't see. I'm afraid.

Where is my family? I don't want to be alone. I want my family. I want to see light.

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A woman with black hair and beautiful brown eyes, named Ichika, was in a hospital lying in a medical bed. A man with dark brown hair and green eyes, named Haruto, stood next to her bed as her screams echoed off of the walls. Ichika's grip on Haruto's hand tightened with every push she gave.

"Almost there, sweetie. You're doing great." Haruto whispers into his wife's hair.

"I see the head." the doctor said 

The woman continued to push her baby out for a few more minutes. Her screams flooded the room at the pain that flooded her body.

"One more push." a nurse spoke.

Ichika gave one final scream as she pushed the last time. The room was silent. No screams, that of the mother or child.

The new parents began to worry, knowing the normality of a baby crying when they are born.

"Congratulations. Ichika. Haruto. Meet you new baby girl." the doctor showed the couple the child.

The two stare shocked by their child. The babe had grey skin and three bleeding cross's or stars on her forehead. When the child opened her eyes the parents felt as though her yellow orbs pierced through their souls. Their gaze on the child is torn when the doctor moves across the room to clean the baby.

Ichika is removed from her thoughts as her vision goes black and her body goes into shock. The nurse calls the doctor over in a panic. The doctor moves the child into Haruto's arms and rushed over to Ichika.

Haruto is shoved out of the way as more doctors and nurses rush into the room to help his wife. The dark brown-haired man watches in horror as the doctors try and fix what was wrong. A minute passes, then two, then five, and ten.

"Call it. 12:13 am, June 20." a doctor states as he backs away from the body.

One of the nurses walks up to Haruto "I'm so sorry for your loss sir."

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Road was sitting on a swing at the school playground. The children around her ignored her finding her strange and unnatural. Maybe it was her personality, maybe it was her unnatural blue hair color, or maybe it was her weird name. Whatever it was Road didn't care, she didn't need them. Road stared up at the sky as she played on the swing.

"Hey." a voice says next to her.

Road jumps not hearing any movement next to her. Her head whips to the voice's direction finding a boy around her age with black and pink hair with light brown wide innocent eyes. Road stops her swing immediately.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she questions.

The boy just smiles raising his hand to wave hello "I'm Yuji Itadori! What's yours?"

"Road Kamelot."

"That's a weird name."

"Well, I didn't ask."

"I didn't mean to make you mad. I meant that your name was cool weird. Ya know?"

"You're a strange boy."

"Well, you're a strange girl."

"Well if I'm so strange why don't you go away."

"Why? The whole reason I came over was to talk to you."

"Talk to me. Why?"

"I wanted to be friends. That's why."

"You wanna be my friend?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

Road doesn't answer she just continues to sit on the swing slowly rocking herself.

"Mm. I guess not." Road finally answers the boy.

The two stay there in silence, the girl watching the sky again while the boy watches the girl.

It was peaceful.

"Yuji!!" another voice called as they moved closer "Come on we have to go."

Road looks to the new voice finding an old man with white hair and a grump expression. The man seemed to have known the boy so she ignored him.

"Oh! You made a friend. It's getting late say goodbye we have to go." the man says before turning to the girl "You should head home too it's getting late and your parents will be worried."

"They're dead."

Roads mother died at childbirth and her father took his life five years later, Road was now eight and living on her own. She remembers both moments. And those of her past life.

"I'm sorry for your loss." the man apologizes.

"Don't be. Been gone for a while."

"Well, you should head home anyway it's getting dark."

"I guess so. Well, I'll see you later Yuji." Road stood from the swing.

"See ya!" Yuji yelled as he waved goodbye to the strange girl.

The blue-haired girl walked away from the two a smirk growing on her lips.

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