Chapter 21: The Traitor

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Tianna looks down at me, with an unfamiliar and cold gaze and says, "If you want your friends to live come with me. The Grigori has big plans for you."

Confused, I ask, "What are you talking about."

"She's with them." Alison says bitterly

Looking back up at Tianna, I ask, "You let those Fallen in here?" as my mind begins to go back to the first time I saw those wings.

"You were with them the whole time?" I ask

She does nothing but look at me and says, "Choose," as she points to Tristian and Alison, "Either you come with me willingly or we wipe out everyone here starting with these two."

"Hey, bite me." Alison says as she throws her spear towards Tianna's face, but as soon as the spear reaches her, a bolt of lightning comes down from the sky and destroys the spear.

"Looks like your first." She says as she almost vanishes and reappears in front of Alison with her Karambits that are crackling and popping.

Tianna swipes one of the blades at Alison as she barely moves out of the way only getting cut on the cheek.

"Ahh," She screams in pain and as she stumbles back, her body starts to seize up.

As Tianna slowly walks over to her, Tristian fires a fire arrow out of his bow only to be trapped midair and snuffed out. As he fires more and more arrows, Tianna almost yawns as they all get snuffed out without her lifting a finger.

She flaps her crimson wings, creating a gust of wind that sends Tristian and I sliding down the hallway.

Alison takes a dark, but shiny knife out of her boot and lunges at Tianna grazing her cheek before a bolt of lightning comes down and strikes Alison before she hits the ground.

"Allie!!!!" Tristian screams as Tianna wipes the blood running from her cheek

"What the..." I say to myself as I try to process what just happened.

Tristian throws his bow to the side and charges straight towards Tianna as he takes out a matching knife and starts swinging and thrusting the knife. Tianna slips, dodges, and moves out of the way of Tristian's attacks.

She grabs his arm mid swing, and pulls him off balance as she tosses him over her shoulder making a monstrous thud as Tristian's back crashes into floor.

"Stopp!!!" I yell as Tianna stands over him repositioning her karambits to deliver the finishing blow,

As she stops just a hair's breath away from Tristian's neck, I say, "It's me you want isn't it? Why bring everyone into this? Just why?"

"It's... complicated, but, none of that matters now" Tianna says as she picks Tristian up and presses her knife against his neck and says, "All of this can end now if you come with me but you need to choose. Come with me and everyone here can live for a few more years, or I kill him, leave, come back with an army of Fallen that will destroy Paris and then take you by force. It's your choice."

"Danny..." Tristian starts to say before Tianna press the knife deeper into his neck drawing blood.

"Choose now!" she commands

As my mind continues to race, I can't bring myself to choose.

"Tianna wait," I say as I can almost feel my voice shrinking away, "It doesn't have to be like this. You know what the Grigori want to use me for. You know you're asking me to kill my friend now or later?"

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