It'll Be Okay

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Fight after fight after fight. They were endless. The majority of them were small, pointless even, but some were larger.

Liam didn't like how Fallon was putting work before him. That's not how a marriage works.

Yes, Fallon is a CEO, but she hasn't noticed that she was pushing him aside time after time.

When Liam confronted her about it all she did was apologize and ask that he forgives her.

That wasn't enough for Liam. He wanted more. He wanted her to show him how she was going to make time for him. Liam wasn't accepting her apologies anymore.

"Are we gonna make it?"

There was an elephant in the room whenever Fallon and Liam were together after their last fight.

Liam saw that Fallon was trying to make things work. She saved him some pastries at breakfast, she put aside time for them to have dinner, she left work early on some days that she wasn't very busy, but that still wasn't enough.

Fallon didn't know how much more she could give him. He was asking for a lot and she still had a company to run.

"Is this gonna hurt?"

Liam was hurting and Fallon not realizing it hurt him even more. How could she not see the pain that he was experiencing?

"Oh, we can try to sedate it"

They tried to work things out. They went on dates and tried to talk things through, but it never ended well.

"But that never works, yeah"

In the end no matter what they did it always ended with another argument.

"I start to imagine a world where we don't collide"

When Liam started sleeping in the guest bedroom after their next fight, Fallon hated it. She wanted to crawl into the other room and sleep in the same bed as Liam, but her pride got in the way. She wanted him to come to her first.

"It's making me sick, but we'll heal and the sun will rise"

After a few days Fallon knew that Liam was serious as he was still sleeping in the guest room.

It was when she was asleep that he would sneak in and grab the things that he needed. Either early in the morning, or very late at night just so he didn't have to talk to her.

Fallon wanted to fix things and apologizing with a real plan on how she was going to balance work and their relationship was the way to do it.

Unfortunately, she never got the chance to.

"If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy
It'll be okay"

Fallon arrived at the manor one night after work to see Liam packing a bag.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking at the open duffel bag that laid on the bed, full of clothes.

He turned around not expecting her to be home this early.

"I think that I need to spend some time away and not just in the other room. We need to take a break, Fal. All we've been doing is fighting and I don't want to fight anymore." The tone of his voice crumbled Fallon's heart into tiny pieces.

Tears filled his eyes and Fallon knew that he wasn't kidding about leaving.

"If we can't stop the bleeding. We don't have to fix it, we don't have to stay"

"You can't leave," she exclaimed after she had comprehended what was going on.

"I can't stay here. We haven't been able to fix any of our problems" he told her.

It'll Be Okay | FalliamWhere stories live. Discover now