1 01 - born of the baby sister

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"Otousan, whats with the screaming?" Milim asked her father veldenava

Veldenava patted milim's head softly and he smiled softly and replied "your baby sister is getting born milim"

milim's eyes started to shine and she was running around happily she can't wait to get a baby sister! she was so happy that she destroyed 4 mountains

veldenava calmed milim down, because there won't be much mountain if milim destroys it all, and milim pouted and promised to her father that she will protect her baby sister forever

after some hours, there are no screams anymore but a crying baby sounds they saw the baby and a subordinate gave it to Lucia and the baby stopped crying

Milim walked up to the room, and veldenava smiled and kissed Lucia's forehead and Lucia smiled back

The baby opened her eyes and they saw yellow eyes like veldenava, "she will be named rimuru nava" Lucia said

and all of them were happy, no troubles and anything, time skipped rimuru is now 3 years old

"Rimuru! Come to okaasan!" Lucia said and smiled

rimuru walked to her mother and she made it, milim arrived and run fast towards her sister and grabbed her and said "hahaha! rimuru will favorite me noda!"

Lucia pouted and used her magic to milim and grabbed her daughter and while they were fighting rimuru made a sound "kya!"

The two of them stopped and looked at her and stared at her with fondness and said "AHHHH SO KAWAII NODA!!" milim shouted and Lucia shouted "MY BABY IS THE MOST CUTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!"

Rimuru started to giggle and now the two of them passed out of the cuteness of rimuru

after a while they woke up, and saw rimuru had grown hair a little and it was blue and a little purple like veldenava "SHE'S LIKE OTOUSAN!" Milim said

"LIKE A TWIN! SO CUTE!" Lucia yelled happily

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