Chapter 516 & 517

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Translator: Yunyi


A few minutes later, Mu Bin was beat black and blue and he sobbed bitterly.

Mu Wei's eyes flashed with joy.

"Come, tell me now. Does she have anything to do with your family? Huh?"

Shen Xun bent slightly and waved at Mu Bin.



Before Mu Bin could answer, a huge palm slapped the back of his head.

"Speak nicely! Otherwise, I'll beat your up!"

"Huhu..." Mu Bin was beaten up helplessly. His eyes were full of fear. He felt wrong. He had not left the house for many days, and he had paid all the money he owed. Where did these people come from?

"Yes, she's related. She's my older sister."

Mu Wei sneered and said directly, "I owe them 6 million. Where's Mom and Dad? Call them back and tell them that you're not feeling well."

"I... F*ck!" Mu Bin jumped up immediately. When his eyes met Shen Xun's hostile expression, he felt guilty again. "6 million? What did you do?!"

He gnashed his teeth.

"I did what you did." Mu Wei laughed mockingly.

Song Yaoyao glanced at her again and didn't stop her.

Mu Bin was full of anger, but under the threat of the big men, he trembled and called his parents.

He didn't dare to say anything, nor did he dare to let them call the police.

Because Shen Xun said, "If you dare say anything, I'll have someone pull out your tongue and make you mute for the rest of your life!"

When he said this, he smiled. Every inch of his sharp face seemed to be stained with ruthlessness

It was frightening.

Mu Bin could only nod his head wildly.

When Mu Bin's parents received the phone call, they hurried over and rushed into the house under the strange gazes of the neighbors...

What they faced were a bunch of burly men and fierce gazes.

Mu Bin's mother's wanted to make a scene,, but after being taught a lesson, she completely calmed down.

The family of three squatted on the ground and stared at Mu Wei with resentful eyes.

Mu Wei's heart was cold. It had been like this since she was young. Just because Mu Bin had extra body part, no matter what he wanted, he could get it, and no matter what he did wrong, he could be forgiven.

Even when he borrowed 6 million yuan at a ridiculous rate of interest, he could coax his parents into using her to pay off his debt.

After all, he used her ID where he borrowed the money.

Back then, Mu Wei cried and begged her parents to put things right, but all she got was their merciless ridicule and blatant lies. "Who would have thought? Who gave you the courage to borrowed 6 million yuan?"

"We can't pay back 6 million yuan. Get lost. Even if the debt collectors come, don't ask us for it!"

But now, the tables had turned...

She looked at her parents coldly. "I owe 6 million yuan."

Mother Mu opened her mouth and scolding her, "What does it have to do with us? You unfilial daughter! If I knew this would happen, I would have strangled you to death when you were born!"

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