Part 67

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Manik entered the house to see it unusually quite. It was just Navya dozing off on the couch . Not knowing what the house was upto, he went up to his room to see Nandini with Radhika on the bed. She had her eyes closed but Manik was quite sure she was not sleeping.

He kept his accessories on the side and settled beside Nandini.

"What has this girl done to herself" said Manik wiping the dry tear marks off her face and dropping a kiss on her cheeks which made her eyes open wide.

The glistening eyes with tears on edge made him feel helpless. 

"Hii" said Manik giving her a smile

Nandini hugged him tightly " Are you for real?" asked Nandini

"You crying did not help me at all" said Manik hugging her back tightly.

"Manik, I am sorry. I tried to handle it but.." said Nandini crying again, breaking apart from the hug. 

"Tch stop crying Nandini please, Enough now" said Manik in a stern voice "Look at yourself. Kabse ro rahi ho?" asked Manik passing her a glass of water

Nandini nodded her head in NO while Manik sighed. Before Manik could have asked anything further,Nyonika barged in the room while Manik got up.

She ran to him and hugged him while Manik calmed her down.

"Mom? Enough you two. What has happened?Batao to" said Manik wiping off her tears

"I am sorry Manik. I am an ignorant mother " said Nyonika bending her head not meeting his eyes while Manik looked at Nandini who was again in tears now.

"No you are not Mom. You had your reasons.You are the best okay?" assured Manik while making her sit on the bed and bringing himself a chair sitting infront of Nandini and Nyonika.

"No more tears, tell me what's wrong  or I am going back" warned Manik,not ready to bare more tears from his precious ladies. 


and just as he heard his name, he foresaw his fears coming  true. He somewhere had this in his mind,what if its about Cabir and it came to be that. Just thinking about that brought tears in his eyes.

"Cabir what?" asked Manik as his voice became hoarse

"Navya told him everything" said Nyonika with a fierce hate in her eyes for Navya while Nandini held Manik's hands. Nyonika knowing Manik needs some time,went out of the room while Manik went out in the balcony.

Men are complicated. They express affection outwardly . They have been conditioned to be in less touch with their emotions. Manik at this point was baffled. He and Cabir had always shared this amazing bond which was beyond words. Blood never restricted them,it was beyond every other thing. Knowing your brother is not fine and you were not there for him,he felt terrible.

Nandini saw him standing alone and she knew he was crying.She knew he was hiding his emotions. She got up with difficulty covering Radhika with the blanket and holding the wall , she reached the balcony door and further on the railing . Stress on the foot made a little blood ooze out leaving a stain on the bandage.

She wiped her own tears and moved her hands on his shoulders giving him affirmation. 

"Don't pretend" said Nandini and Manik faced her. Those eyes, the charm was gone , the aura was gone. He was not Manik Malhotra, but just Manik, vulnerable Manik who was feeling useless at that point.

"I couldn't protect him Nandini...I couldn't" said Manik and started crying holding her hand while she effaced his cheeks.

Manik hugged her making her stumble back causing discomfort and pain but she did not let it be known. Hugging him around his torso, she dropped occasional kisses over his head.

"Manik,if not today,it would have happened tomorrow. The family needs you right now, please be strong for us. I need you. Aise karoge to mai kya karungi?" asked Nandini 

While Manik nodded his head " I need to be there for our family. Lets go down" said Manik and held Nandini's hands taking her along when she hissed making Manik look at her and then her feet 

"What the hell?" shouted Manik kneeling down infront of her.

"Manik,its nothing,go down I am coming" said Nandini

"Come sit here" said Manik paying no heed to her useless talks.

"Manik go down na" said Nandini again while Manik gave her an unbelievable look before picking her up and making her lay on the bed.

"Why do you never listen to me?" asked Manik doing her dressing again as the bandage was majorly soaked in blood

"It was not intentional" defended Nandini

"Obviously injuries are always accidental Nandini, did I net tell you to be a little responsible for some time?" asked Manik looking at her. Nandini could easily see how hurt he was regarding everything.

"Tch I did not see that vase there So" reasoned Nandini , not meeting his eyes while Manik sighed doing off with her dressing.

"Fine , get up now" said Manik making her stand supporting her as they went out of the room checking Radhika

"We are done for this week. Don't hurt yourself again now" said Manik while Nandini chuckled. Even when he was not fine,he was trying to make her feel better.

Manik made Nandini sit on the couch downstairs and gave a look t o Navya before standing infront of her.

"Navya maybe you were right in  your opinion. Yes Cabir deserved to know it but not like this,not from you. I don't wish to say anything hurtful or extreme to you and I surely will if you stay here. I respect you and so please go from here right now" said Manik in a serious determined tone while Navya looked at him with guilt

"Mani.." Nandini interrupted him while Nyonika stopped her

"Nandini Navya in Cabir's life is his decision but Navya in this house is our decision" said Nyonika while Manik nodded at her.

Not saying anything further,Manik went up the stairs to Cabir's room where Raj was already waiting for him. Nothing but his brother , his family mattered to him.


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