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I spent an hour or two getting used to the daycare and where everything was. There was a small room connecting to the room which was used for children to sleep in. There was a large more rounded bed against the wall in the middle. A large moon was behind the bed and there were smaller beds along the side of the walls with stars above them.  There were stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows in an open closet just in case. When Sun showed me that room, he let me walk into the darkroom but didn't step in himself. I wondered why, he seemed, nervous. I only got more questions when he warned me about turning off the lights. Simply stating to keep the lights on. On. On.

I chalked up Sun wanting to keep the lights on to being scared of the dark, like a little kid needing a nightlight. There was even a charging booth for a flashlight near the security desk, I guess in case the lights went out. I looked at the tall animatronic who was currently grabbing things to fingerprint. Such a child. I like it though. Sun set sheets of thick paper and skin-safe paints down. 

" So, what are you doing to paint?" I asked as I opened the bottles with him. " I don't know yet!" He smiled widely. " What about you friend?" He asked me. " Meh, hand turkey." I smiled as he ooo-ed. I ended up doing a hand peacock because I wanted to use more colors. Sun ended up copying me and his looked better since he had long skinny fingers. More accurate to a peacock.

" Oh oh oh! that was so much fun!" Sun smiled widely as we washed our hands. I stretched and yawned, " Yeah I guess it was" " Oh, new friend are you feeling tired?" He noticed my yawn. " Well, yeah. It's getting really late. I still gotta wake up early." I glanced at the bag I had brought with me. " Then you can sleep in the nap time room!" He pointed to the room connecting to the main daycare. I nodded and grabbed pajamas from my bag. I changed in the bathroom and went into the nap time room. Sun didn't enter the room. He stayed right where the line where the light and darkness meet. 

" You scared of the dark Sun?" I asked him as I got comfortable on the large bed in the middle of the small ones since it was the only one big enough for me. " Well um, sort of" He fumbled with his thumbs. I giggled, " Aw how cute." I yawned again and made sure my alarm was set. " Well, goodnight Sun. Make sure the daycares all ready to go, ok?" " Yes Ma'am!" He smiled and shut the door to the room. I laid down and cuddled into the soft sheets of the bed. The blankets were heavy and thick, but oh so comforting. I shut my eyes and started to drift off to sleep.

I was almost asleep when I opened my eyes a tad. I noticed the light underneath the door had gone out which I found odd. I saw the door start to open so I quickly shut my eyes again. Just like I was a child trying to play on my DS after my bedtime and had to hide it under my pillow when my mom checks to make sure I'm asleep. I've done it so many times, I've become a master of trickery.

When I heard footsteps stomp towards the bed, I made no reaction. Just soft slow breaths as my chest rose oh so subtlety. I felt eyes staring straight at me as a hand brushed against my face. Their hand felt cold and slightly prickly at the ends as if they had nails or claws. I don't remember seeing Sun with any? I assume it's a robot since no other human except me should be here. Their hands were also cold and felt like metal so yuh, robotic person.

Their hand felt my face gently before pushing back my hair slightly. I felt their hands touch my neck a bit before moving down to pull the blankets more up over my form. I felt the bed dip as the robot sat on the bed. I opened my eyes just a smidge and saw a figure similar to Sun's anatomy. I couldn't see much though in fear of being caught. " Nighty night." I heard their voice scratched out. I shivered slightly hearing it. The dip in the bed rose as the robot got up. They left the room and I didn't dare open my eyes.

I was disturbed from my unknown rest by my alarm sending me into a slight panic. I flung up and didn't realize where I was at first. I turned off my alarm and took a deep breath. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I yawned as I got out of bed. I fixed the covers and grabbed my clothes. I slipped on my work attire before walking out. I saw Sun getting ready for the day. " Hey Sun boy" I smiled as he gasped seeing me. " Oh, new friend!" He skipped over happily. " Good morning!" He smiled warmly. " Morning." I yawned. " Are you ready to start the day?" He asked with his trademark smile. " Yeah. I do have one question." " Oh?" He tilted his head. " Is, there someone else that's similar to you with claws?" I asked.

Sun's smile dented down. " Why do you ask." His tone changed. " Oh no reason, just had a dream" I lied. He smiled once more, " Oh ok!" His tone and expression bending worried me slightly. What is he hiding? They only came out when I saw the lights go out. Is that why Sun would enter the darkness? Is he the same figure, but different? I shook my head. I couldn't worry about this. I got little ones to take care of and entertain now. Just me, and Sun and a crap ton of little crotch gremlins.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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