Unexpected Love Twist 11

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Xiao Zhan froze as his heart began to stop beating. He can feel his hands begin to sweat. He stares at Haikuan with his stunned eyes, unable to move his lips.

Is he that obvious to reveal his feelings? Even Yibo's brother found out!

"You... noticed?" His voice created a small, quiet sound. He surely doesn't want Yibo to hear.

Haikuan increased his smile knowing that Xiao Zhan didn't even deny it. He can feel the tension and the genuine feeling the day Xiao Zhan stepped on his door.

"Although my brother hasn't found it out yet, it was obvious to me that you have feelings for him. So...when are you going to tell him?"

Xiao Zhan heaves a sigh, covering his face with his soft fingers shyly in embarrassment. At this point, he just wanted to perish into thin air. The feeling of getting caught really makes him want to disappear!

He takes another breath, almost letting out a groan, holding his fist and squeezing them tightly.

I'm not keeping it out anymore!

Xiao Zhan begins to admit and nods with a slightly guilty smile,

"but he likes someone else."

Haikuan slightly furrowed his brows. Seems like Xiao Zhan hasn't even got the hint. Isn't he too naive?

"Really? Who?"

Xiao Zhan was hesitant to say her name. Saying the name of who Yibo likes is like a knife carving his heart into pieces. He stood there silently, unable to move his lips.

"Is it Y/n?" Haikuan instead asks again to which Xiao Zhan nods, drifting his eyes away slowly.


Haikuan almost laughed at his foolishness. How can Xiao Zhan not see Yibo's noticeable face?

Haikuan tries not to crack a laugh, coming closer to Xiao Zhan and grabbing onto his shoulders gently. "How do you know that he likes Y/n?"

Xiao Zhan didn't move a muscle with only his lips moving.

"He said it himself"

Haikuan was almost stunned by Xiao Zhan's depressing tone. It's as if Xiao Zhan was going to cry at the moment. Xiao Zhan doesn't want to lose Yibo. He would gladly remain as just friends if it can keep him close to him.

Haikuan stays silent for a while, trying to come up with something to cheer Xiao Zhan up. With this kind of atmosphere, Haikuan's forehead can be seen with sweat as he stayed quietly.

*Haikuan is really bad at cheering people up*

"If Yibo did say what he said, then why you?"

Xiao Zhan's eyebrow began to furrow and suddenly became more interested in the conversation. "What about me?"

Haikuan chuckles, "You know, you are only the first person who ever comes into this house. Yibo wouldn't even let his friends, including Y/n come visit. But why would he let you?"

Xiao Zhan wouldn't want to get his hopes up and ended up hurt again. He almost refuses to believe that Yibo really likes him. "Maybe it's just because of the farm. I agreed to help him."

Haikuan let out a small scoff, smacking his forehead. "You dum-", clearing his throat before speaking again, "Well, maybe that's true. But I remember Yibo only told you, if he really likes Y/n he would've asked Y/n to help him instead of you. So why when Yibo could've asked Y/n, he asked you instead?"

Xiao Zhan's thoughts begin to fade, thinking only about Haikuan's words. Why would Yibo ask me? Does he like me?

He didn't want to admit that Haikuan's words did lift his hopes up once again although he is still afraid.... afraid of the pain he'll get when he knows he will never get Yibo.

 Love Twist (YiZhan x Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now