Long Long Lost - Part 5

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It had been a busy morning, and now as barely a handful of customers roamed the shop and cafe, (Y/N) finally had a chance to catch up on her reading assignment. She sat at the counter with her book in her lap and a mocha beside her, labelling and annotating wherever she needed (in pencil, of course). She truly loved working there; it was always warm and peaceful, the smells of coffee and pastry hung in the air, and she got a ten percent discount on any of the books she wanted – it was like a library, but better.

She kept an eye on the few customers sat at the tables, reading their newly purchased books while enjoying a snack and beverage, checking if anyone needed a refill. The bell above the doors downstairs informed her of someone coming or going, and the swing of the doors a moment later blew a light breeze throughout, it had been raining lightly.

(Y/N) was too engrossed in her chapter of A Long Long way by Sebastian Barry to notice the somewhat large group of people slowly making their way over.

Um excuse me came a soft voice from the other side of the counter.

Looking up quickly, (Y/N) stood and smiled, putting her book back on the shelf by her knee. Oh sorry, she said, realising that she had quite a few orders to fill, what can I get you?

The woman seemed stunned for a minute, staring at her like she saw a ghost. She was pretty, (Y/N) thought.

Upon noticing her stunned friend, a ravenette woman slid up and made herself known. Can we have four regular coffees, two black teas, and a cocoa with cinnamon, please. Then she beckoned her friends quickly to a table on the left, which overlooked the street.

A boy, possibly in his early teens (as mentioned, she wasnt very good with ages) who she hadnt seen before tailed behind them and flashed her a grin. And some cookies, please.

They all gathered at the far end of the room as (Y/N) began to prepare their order, the sound of the machines filling the room as she made each one. She set out several different mugs and cups, each one completely different depending on who each cup was for.

They watched her cautiously, not that she noticed. Mary-Margaret looked as if she were trying to keep herself together, and David held her hand tightly under the table. She was beautiful, they thought, but that could be parental bias. Emma couldnt look away either, picking out different things about the girl; similarities in their features, the way she was dressed, the jewellery she decorated herself with, putting her detective skills to work. Regina and Hook were more curious than anything. And Henry, well, the boy was more eager than anything else, excited and happy.

I cant believe its her David whispered, his last words to her stuck on a loop in his head.

Regina tapped her nails on the table, glancing out of the window. I understand that this is probably emotional for you but have you taken a minute to think about what the hell youre going to say? And stop staring.

Youre right, Snow groaned, it wasnt like they could just go up and say hi, were your parents! Dont worry, were not as young as we seem, weve been under a spell for the last thirty years!

Well, you might want to figure it out soon, said Mr. Gold, shes coming over.

All heads snapped her way as (Y/N) came over with a tray, setting down their drinks and the cookies at the centre of the table. Here you go, she smiled, setting down the cocoa for Henry (who was more than pleased to find it topped with cream and marshmallows). Can I get you anything else?

There was a beat.

When do you get off work? Henry suddenly asked.

(Y/N) blinked in surprise. Was this thirteen year old flirting with her something? Er--

No- um- sorry, said the woman in the red jacket, looking startled, I er Im a private investigator, and- well, weve come all this way to talk to you.

Well this certainly wasnt how she thought today would go. Was she in some kind of trouble? Because that would be horribly inconvenient. Oh I can uh I dont- my shift ends at six but I can stop for a few minutes? Oh gods, shed never been in a situation like this before.


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