A New Start

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Kiki finally went to sleep after Lillian showed her the room and told her where everything was. She had so many questions but so few answers. Kiki wondered why this woman had decided to help her, why did this woman offer her a home. Her questions then shifted to did she have the same genetic mutation that gave her ears and a tail too? How has this woman made it through life without any problems? Kiki decided tomorrow she would ask them.

Sometime during the night, Kiki ended up on the floor, curled up in a ball in the corner of her room, just as if she was still sleeping in the box in the alley. Light from the rising sun peered in through the large window. Kiki wasn't used to seeing the light so early in the day since the only time she had light was when the sun was already high overhead, shining through the narrow alley. A light knock woke up Kiki, who still didn't realize she wasn't on the bed.

"Hello?" Kiki called out.

"It's me, Lillian. May I enter?" She called out from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah," Kiki said as she sat up, wiping her eyes with her hands.

Her cat ears twitched as she heard the door open, and her tail swayed side to side. Lillian walked in with a smile on her face, but when she saw Kiki on the floor in the corner of the room, she frowned slightly.

"What are you doing on the floor, dear?"

Lillian's ears laid flat, which showed more prominently than her slight frown did. Lillian walked over and sat next to Kiki on the floor.

"Is everything alright?" Lillian asked, placing her hand on Kiki's lap.

Kiki nodded. The truth was, Kiki didn't know how to live in a house. All she ever knew was the street, and it's the number one rule: sleep with your back against the wall. Lillian could tell something was wrong but decided not to push the issue.

"Well, how about we go and get you some clothes? I am sure you would like to wear something a bit nicer." Lillian said with a smile.

Kiki smiled, but as quickly as the smile appeared, it disappeared.

"Y-you don't have to buy me clothes," Kiki replied and looked at the clothes she was wearing. Even though it was nice to have new clothes, she didn't want to be a bother.

"It's fine, really, but I won't force you to get new clothes. I have a few clothes here that you can wear. Some of them were mine, but they no longer fit, and most of them I keep here for special occasions. Well, when you're ready to come on downstairs. We will be having breakfast soon."

Kiki nodded, and Lillian stood up and walked towards the door, looking back. Kiki smiled, but her ears still showed that she was concerned.

Several moments later, they gathered in the dining room. The smell of fresh bacon and eggs filled the air. There was an awkward silence as everyone sat at the table. Rose was the first to speak.

"So, Kiki, I have meant to ask... how long have you been on the streets? You seem to have a lot of understanding of words and such."

Kiki's ears perked up when she heard her name.

"Well, I did go to school until I was 16, but then my ears and tail formed. I didn't know that it was a bad thing until my parents started acting weird. They took me to several doctors to try and find out what was going on. After they had learned that my condition was a permanent one and that there was no cure for it, they started treating me differently until one day..."

Tears started forming in her eyes as she spoke. Rose and Lillian got up and walked over to Kiki, and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

Kiki wiped away the tears and looked at Rose.

"It's okay. Umm Lillian. I have some questions for you. if you don't mind."

Lillian smiled and nodded. She already knew what types of questions Kiki had.

"So, do you have the same condition as me?"

Lillian nodded. "Yup, had it since I was born." She replied.

"Well, how did your parents take the news when they found out?" Kiki curiously asked.

"My parents had the same 'genetic mutation,' so they were relieved to find out that I had it too," Lillian replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"Really?! Did your parents have the same thing? Was it hard for you to fit in with other people?" Kiki asked excitedly.

Lillian smiled at Kiki. She could see that she was becoming more and more comfortable.

"Actually, no. Because my parents had it, they knew what to do to blend with the rest of the world. They even had specialized doctors that they could go to..."

Kiki went from happy to concerned.

"What do you mean...' had doctors'? What happened to them?" Kiki questioned.

"No one knows; they just disappeared. Now I don't mean that the doctor had died, or someone killed them or anything. Just from what I heard, someone found out that they knew about the doctors' Neko patients and threatened to expose them for it..." Lillian replied.

"Oh, I see..." Kiki said, trailing off as she looked at the now cold meal. "I'm sorry about asking so many questions. Now the food is cold." She remarked sadly.

Rose and Lillian smiled.

"Don't you worry about anything; I am glad you are finally opening up to us. It is about time someone gave you the answers you deserve." Lillian said as she picked up the food. "I will make some more. Feel free to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Don't worry; you are safe here."

"Thank you so much...For everything."

Kiki said as she stood up from the table. She smiled as she walked to the front door. Slowly opening it, Kiki looked back for only a moment to see Rose and Lillian picking up all the food and dishes. She noticed that neither of them was upset. Lillian's ears perked up, and her tail was swaying from side to side. Kiki turned, feeling the warmth of the sun hit her face as she took a few steps outside.

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