Chapter : 7

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3rd POV

After Y/N woke up, she messaged her friends, saying that she was still alive and would be back soon. Then she took a shower, borrowed some clothes from Jimin, and had breakfast with the boys.

Everyone was in the living room watching TV or on their phones. Taehyung hissed in pain and rubbed his neck. ''Tae, i'm so sorry.'' Y/N whined and rubbed his arm. The others laughed at what happened.

''No, it's okay. I'm glad you can do force field now, but watch out before someone actually break their neck, which almost happened to me.'' He leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes with a sigh. 

It was quiet again until Y/N spoke up. ''By the way, i really wanna know more things about the Powerful Human Beings. What are their powers?'' Everyone immediately looked at Namjoon, who can explain these things well.

''Grab a paper and a pen so you can make a list of the powers.'' She nodded her head and stood up. Suddenly, she ran at full speed against the wall and fell to the ground, making her groan in pain.

The others gasped in surprise. ''You good?'' Hoseok asked her, standing up. She just hummed and stood up, rubbing her forehead in the meantime.

''Okay, what the actual fuck was that? I just wanted to run upstairs, to grab a paper and a pen.'' She sat down on the couch again, 'cause of dizziness.

''Powerful Human Beings can run very fast. For now you have to walk until you can control the fast running. We'll also help you with that.'' Namjoon said. He looked at Jimin. ''Jimin, grab the paper and the pen, 'cause i don't think she can walk right now, without passing out.'' He mumbled, while rubbing her forehead, healing it.

She watched Jimin run really fast up the stairs instead of against the wall.

Not long after, he came back, handing the pen and paper to Y/N. She thanked him. ''Okay, everything I mention now you have to write it down, and I don't want to repeat myself.''

Yoongi scooted a bit closer to her. ''He really doesn't like that.'' He whispered. 

Namjoon grinned. ''That's right. Y/N, have you had good hearing since you activated your powers?'' She nodded her head. ''Okay, let's start.''

 List of powers:
-Night vision
-Super speed
-Mind reading/Sending signals to other PHBs
-Sensing danger
-Erasing memory
-Super hearing
-Super strength
-Force field
-Making things fly
-Talking to animals (rare)
-Laser eyes
-Fire hands
-Mind manipulation

Personal powers:
Kim Namjoon: Invisible
Kim Seokjin: x Not a PHB
Kim Taehyung: Talking to animals
Jung Hoseok: Fire hands
Jeon Jungkook: Making things/people fly
Park Jimin: Freezing
Min Yoongi: Laser Eyes

Y/N: ?

''That's it?'' She asked Namjoon, who was quiet again.

''Those are the most important. Otherwise, we'll still be here by tomorrow.'' He clapped in his hands and vanished.

Y/N flinched and jumped on Yoongi. ''Where the fuck is he?!'' She shouted. The others ignored her.

''I'm still here, just invisible... Well bye.'' Yoongi immediately pushed her off his lap.


. . . Two months later...

Two months flew by quickly. Fortunately, Y/N had her powers under control very fast, which allowed her to work again.

''I'm so nervous.'' Y/N spoke up. Yoongi, Destiny and Y/N watched how their models got dressed in their clothes. Yoongi just looked at her, sending signals to her mind, instantly calming her down. Mind manipulation. ''And i'm calm again.'' She mumbled, pursing her lips.

''Our collection looks nice.'' Destiny said with a smile, resting her hand on her hip.

''It's just black.'' Destiny whacked the back of Yoongi's head, making him hiss. ''The fuck was that for?'' He pouted while looking down.

''Black or not, it's beautiful.'' The three went to talk to their models for a while, and not long after, they had to walk.

''Here they go!'' Y/N beamed and jumped up and down in excitement. The models walked onto the catwalk one by one. Every model that appeared was applauded.

''Damn, his ass in it tho.'' Destiny whispered, almost sounding like she's in heaven. Y/N and Yoongi heard her, because of their good hearing, making them both laugh.

The three were enjoying the view and the music in the background. But suddenly the whole room went dark.

Loud shots came from left and right, causing everyone to scream in panic.

The moment the electricity went out, Yoongi and Y/N's night visions were turned on. They looked at each other and gave each other a nod. They ran up the catwalk, and they saw everyone crouching on the floor. Some had been hit by a bullet, and one model had been shot through her head.

''This is so not good. Y/N, check if some of them are still alive. I'll call the police, and in the meantime i'll look out if i can catch someone suspicious.'' He ran away, before she could speak.

''Be careful.'' Y/N said in his mind.

''I will. You too.'' He said back.

Y/N immediately ran to the people lying on the floor. She pressed her index and middle finger to their necks. All of them were alive, but some of them had a weak heartbeat.

Yoongi came back. ''The cops are on their way here. I couldn't catch the shooter.'' 

. . .

After the lights came back on and the police arrived, Yoongi and Y/N walked backstage, which was empty. Not even Destiny was there.

The poor girl shook her head out of disbelief. ''How can people be so cruel?'' She whispered, tears forming in her eyes, causing it to turn blue. Yoongi just stood there, not knowing how to comfort the sad girl. ''These people are out of their Goddamn minds! They need to die, right now!'' 

Y/N's eyes turned red in anger, and Yoongi immediately tried to calm her down. ''Hey hey, look at me, look at me.'' He said softly, grabbing her face. ''Everything's going to be okay, don't worry.''

''Someone died! Nothing is going to be okay!'' Her heart started beating faster, and Yoongi heard it. He didn't know how to calm her down, and manipulating her mind didn't work, because she was too angry. ''I'm going to-!'' 

Her sentence was cut off by Yoongi's lips, calming her down. In a panic, he pulled away, covering his mouth. ''I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should have asked first, but I didn't know how to calm you down before you destroy everything here with your laser eyes.''

Her face got warm. ''I-it's okay. Don't worry.'' The door opened and the other boys ran in.

''Are you guys okay?'' Taehyung asked them with concern in his eyes.

''Yes, but we need to get out of here!''

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