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I stirred the white sugar into the black coffee and peeled open a milk pod, adding multiple sachets into the two hot drinks before gripping onto the handle, my eyes constantly glancing to the watch wrapped around my wrist.

3 o clock. Only 2 more hours to go. Doable.

Careful to not burn my knuckles I spun around and ambled through the hastily passing individuals, ties around their collars and briefcases in their hands. The ring of the reception telephones and chatters amongst teams of professionals distracted me from my stable eye, burning liquid scorching my hand as it dripped down the side of the 'worlds best boss' mug. A scoff escaped my glossed lips.

Worlds best boss.

My heels clattered along the sleek wooden floor until I reached the correct room, my teeth biting my bottom lip as I used my shoulder to push the glass door, the bosses eyes glaring into my direction which seared more than the blister on my knuckle.

"two sugars with milk" I quietly say and placed the mugs onto the mirrored table, which spread across the whole length of the meeting room, black office chairs tucked underneath it at every available interval.
"No sugar, no milk" I added and slid one of the cups to my colleague, earning a singular nod for my assistance and absolutely nothing from Finn, apart from an obvious observance of the spillage I made, as he of course, was a man of many perfections.

I cleared my throat and headed back towards the door, but my movement halted, as I impatiently waited for heaps of suited men to situate themselves into their desired seats, one by one squeezing through the door I so longed to exit, chatters of the most recent case gripping my full attention. 'It was suicide' said one portly man, 'manslaughter' said one other.

Their words drifted off as I strolled further away from their conversations, which I wasn't privileged enough to have any kind of knowledge on.

Heavily sighing, I slumped into my cushioned office chair, tucked my white shirt into my skirt which had loosened and grabbed onto the edge of the desk, wheeling my chair forward and tucking myself farther underneath my work space. I stared at my computer, blankly.
"Rough day?" Lauren asked through a supportive smile, her fingers typing rapidly onto the keyboard, something that I should also be doing. Replying to emails, or something along those lines.
"Not really...just a lot on my mind today" I remarked and cleared my throat, preparing myself for another 1 hour 45 of replying to emails that weren't even for me.

"You wanna talk about it?" She whispered, leaning her slim body closer to my desk whilst her dark eyes glanced to Elliot, who was already frowning at the both of us. My lips curled into a grin at the boys disheartened expression, the obvious annoyance he felt towards his lack of involvement in our girl talk. Something he often experienced. Bullying Elliot was the only thing myself and Lauren found enjoyable at work.

"I'll talk about it when I've replied to the dozens of emails that were sent...," there was a pause as I clicked on the three dots above the email, "2 weeks ago" I finished, rubbing my head at the list of things I had to get done in such little time.
"mhm, sure" she mumbled, shooting me a 'I don't believe you' look through a squinted eye whilst she dramatically wheeled away from my spot.

I tapped my pen against the thick schedule of Finn Gray, an essential copy handed to me so I was aware of every meeting he attended, every train he took, every hotel he slept in. I knew this mans calendar more than I knew my own.

Every convention I was ordered to accept on behalf of Mr Gray was jotted down into this notebook, every flight I had to book. Such an exciting life.

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Rivals 2 /Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now