Magic Bean

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Claudia scratched her pubes under her Amish skirt, scanning the room every 3 seconds intensely to see if her beloved Zoie had entered yet. She closely followed her routine and made sure to see her as much as possible. She knew that Zoie had slight resentment because she was dating Ari Alexis, but it's what she had to do to make her be aware of her existence. The thought of sucking Zoie's freshly healed pierced nipples made the fungal yeast in her vagina drip out. Ari was a mediocre boyfriend, he never wanted to hang out. Also, his balls smelled like moldy cheese - but it was fine since she always had a yeast infection. Who doesn't like bread and dick cheese?

She noticed Ari Alexis rushing into running to the magazine section, but then looked at the browning on his pants. It was shit. Ari Alexis shit all over his pants and it smelled atrocious. She wondered if brown muck ran down his legs. He was so inconsiderate for spewing his shit molecules all over the carpeted floor. She could not believe she was doing all of this just for Zoie. She couldn't tell if she just wanted attention or if she was a lesbian. (it was for attention.) She noticed another foul smell and loud chains, 'It has to be Jackson.' She was right. He left grease stains behind himself like a slug and went to go torment Ari. 'He is so fucking gay.'

After Jackson had fled the scene, she approached Ari to try to break the news but noticed he had a dent in his shit-layered pants. He completely disgusted her. After superficially playing the girlfriend role, she blinked her fried eyelashes and said, "Ari Alexis, you're absolutely disgusting. I can smell your shit from here. I never liked you, we are over. Also, you have a chode and I don't like that." She left quickly before he could even say anything, she had to text Zoie. She took out her sticky iPhone SE in rose gold to dm her.


claudia: hey can u meet before the bell rings hehehe i need to talk to you ab something super duper important and its totally okay if u cant make it but i would be super sad and never happy again and you don't want that right? ;3

zoie: is that a fucking threat?

claudia: lol wym................ can we pls meet privately

zoie: i honestly don't feel comfortable doing that especially since the way u approached me

claudia: um what lol.

claudia: its kinda rude that u don't consider my feelings

claudia: i thought we were friends lol or maybe even more

claudia: hey did ur phone die?

claudia: hello???


****bell rings*****

Claudia sat sobbing while all the girls were on the other side of the locker room due to the potent stench of her yeast infection. Minutes pass by and it becomes empty. A teacher walks and sees her hysterical, "You can't just sit here and do this. I don't have time for this. You need to either get out or go to student resources." Claudia stood up and walked away, leaving yellow secretion on the seat. After spending all night hacking the O'Connell school system, she managed to get security footage and Zoie's class schedule. Since Zoie didn't want to talk, she had to take it into her own hands. She noticed her leaving her class and walking to the gender neutral bathroom from her phone. 'I wonder if she's gay or just hot boxing. Whatever.' She went to bang on the door, "OCUPADO" Claudia did not know what that meant. She picked the lock to find Zoie hotboxing, "Can we talk?" Zoie just wasn't shocked at that point and gave in, "Fine." Zoie fanned away the smoke as they walked to the middle of the hallway to converse.

"Zoie, I just wanted to say I never loved Ari Alexis. It was you this entire time. I just wanted you to notice me. I'm sorry. I really am, please dont hate me." Zoie looked at her in confusion but before she could say anything Claudia pulled both of their masks and kissed her lips. Surprisingly she didn't pull away, she began to trail her hands over her pierced breasts and around her soft birth giving hips. They were shortly interrupted a huge gasp and running. Zoie pushed her away and they both saw Ari Alexis running like a frightened dear reeking of scat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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