Meeting april

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It was midnight then a girl came you must be april I said and you must be the girl that leo talked to me about so do you have my I mean the clothes I said its ok I dont use this clothes anyway and its all yours april said ok I said so wheres your room april said oh I have no room I said what! Then where are you staying april said Im staying in leo's room I said ok so where can I put you clothes april said in the blue closet please I said ok april said we sit down together we were talking so what do you think about them april said who I said the turtles silly april said well there nice I said so who's your crush on them april asked the I was blushing red so who? April said well I think leo a little I think I said really huh april said why I said well I have a crush on raph april said while she was blushing red really I said yeah april said oh I forgot its midnight I gotta go april said ok bye I said bye she said then leo came and he sat down with me are you ok he said oh Im ok I said to him then we both lied down he off the light godnight twilight he said godnight to leo I said to him suddenly he hugged me and I blush I looked at him he was fast asleep so I just hugged him to.

~the next day~

Mikey's pov

I was just headed to leo's room and call him for breakfast I opened the door I was shooked to see leo and twilight were hugging I quikly I called my brothers what is it mikey raph and donnie said look I said raph and donnie were shooked to they I said were donnie said hugging raph said.

Twilight and leo's pov

Leo and I both wake up until we saw mikey,raph and donnie what are you looking at look they said then leo and I both look at each other then we jumped at ech other then I hit the wall so hard and leo fell on the ground so hard too then I walked out off the room while rubbing my head and leo came out off the room while rubbing his head too guys I just came to tell you its breakfast mikey said then we all go to the kitchen a and eat after we all eat I just remember that I left my bag in donnies lab I quikly go there and Im glad that its still in there and I quikly grab it and I quikly go to the living room and I saw leo watching a show called space heroes why are you watching that dump show again leo raph said well its not that dumb as you raph leo said then raph walked away from him.I grab my dairy then I started writing in my dairy


I meet new friends and Im in a new world called new york city and Im learning new stuff in here and I think I have crush on someone very special to me his name is leo and his a mutant turtle but I still love him and his cute much cuter than his brother mikey and I need to go back in equestria because I have alot of dutties there because Im a princess alicorn pony.

Then I put my dairy back in my bag and headed to leo's room I mean our room then I lied down and sleep I was dreaming of my friends until princess luna appeared in my dream twilight your in great danger chrisalis,nightmare moon and sombra are after you she said suddenly I saw my future nightmare I saw my friends died leo and his brothrs were gone and I was evil and the dazzlings were there too then I started screaming.

Leo's pov

I was just in the dojo training but then I heard I scream twilights voice I quikly go to my room and waking twilight up then she woke up its ok I said then I hugged her she hugged me back what were you dreaming about my frinds died you were gone and Im going to be evil she said its ok and I wont let that happen to you he said.

Donnie's pov

I was just going to leo's room until I saw them hugging again then I closed the door and stormed to my room I was jealouse that twilight and leo were getting along and Im just left out here alone suddenly twilight came hey donnie I was wondering if you can make your invention that can make portals again because I need to go back to my home she said yeah I will I said thanks she said and she hugged me maybe I'm not left out after all