Chapter 1

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I swifly dodge blonde's punch, causing her to stumble forward. Grabbing the opportunity, I kneed her in the stomach with my right knee with all of my strength.

She staggered backward from the impact and blood dripping from her mouth to her chin. She gasped loudly.

"That's the best you got blonde?" I said while putting my hands in my pant's front pocket.

I heared the audience cheers and the ongoing bet on who would win this fight.

She narrowed her eyes at me and wipe the blood dripping her chin by the back of her right hand.

She lamely attempted to punch me again, and I dodged it again swifly. Mentally shaking my head, if she would continue to join this underground fighting with her style, she would just get herself killed.

So grabbing both her wrist with my left hand. I kicked her at the back of her head, not so hard just enough for her to lost consciousness.

I let both her wrist go, and she collapsed on the cold hard floor.

Cheers erupted as they chanted my name.

"Thena! Thena"

I got off of the ring and Carl went to me.

"Here's your share" He said while handing me a thick bundle of bucks.

"You know, I'm not really surprised. You didn't even break a sweat" He said. While I accept the money, chucking it in the inner pocket of my leather jacket. I just shrug my shoulders at him.

"I gotta run, see you around" He said while another round of fight start.

I grab a new peppermint gum at my pants back pocket and pop it in my mouth.

I went to my baby, which is my big bike.

Hoisting myself up, I sped away and went towards to the nearest 7-11.

I parked my big bike. And went inside the store. I grab a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, marshmallows, gummy bears and a coke in can.

This is life. After paying for the items. I went out of the store and towards my big bike.

I turned the engine on and sped off towards my house.

I park my big bike in the garage. Switch off the engine. Unlocking the door, I put the food in the coffee table in the living room.

I went towards the kitchen, grabbing a spoon. I walk over to the garbage bin and throw away my gum.

I went back towards the living room, swithching on the tv and the dvd player and putting Divergent cd in the player. I've already watched it a couple of times, but I just can't get enough.

Walking back towards the coffee table, opening the ice cream, and watching the movie.


As time pass by, it's already 8:00 in the evening. And I'm full. So, grabbing the remnants of my "dinner" which consists of ice cream and mallows. I throw it away in the thrash can and going up of my room, I change into pajamas. I gotta sleep early because tomorrow is my first day at school.

And sleep overcomes me.


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