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I look at JaeJae confused.

"We have something else prepared. If I could please have you blindfold yourself again and can I also have everyone please head towards the final surprise." JaeJae says handing me the blindfold again.

Everyone in the room starts getting up and heading out so I put on the blindfold and she takes my hands. We walk for a good while slowly as I hear people passing us from all sides. I sometimes bump into someone and I get scared but JaeJae reassures me. After a while of walking, I feel a cool breeze hit my legs and I realize that we are outside. JaeJae stops me and tells me to wait for a bit. I hear people around me moving around. After a bit, it goes completely silent.

"Miss.Seo-Jun, in a bit I will tell you to remove your blindfold. When you remove it, I would like to ask you to please stay where you are and we will take care of the rest. Now, you may remove your blindfold." JaeJae says.

I pull off the blindfold and find myself on the rooftop. It's a beautiful rooftop with tables on on side and a strip of grass on the other. Since the building is big and wide, there is a bunch of space up on top for everyone to be standing in two lines on opposite sides of each other. I stay standing where I am and I hear a song that I have come to love recently. Marry Your Daughter by Brian McKnight has become the song that I had told Jake about. It was the day he showed me the way to contact him when in danger.

"You're so dumb. Why would you strain yourself just to show me that? You could have just explained it to me and I would have understood it" I said to him.

"I needed to show you to." He says.

I laugh and Jake takes a seat next to me again. We sit in silence just looikng out at the lake while enjoying the soft breeze.

"This view is perfect. I can just imagine a guy asking his crush to be his girlfriend or to marry him with a song." I say, breaking the silence. 

"What song fits-" Jake asks turning to me.

"Marry Your Daughter By Brian McKnight." I say cutting him off.

"Well, you must be waiting to get asked with that song huh?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I have it all set up in my head but I hope to one day either get asked to date or marry someone with that song." I say to him.

Jake nods and turns back to the lake as I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder.

Someone starts to sing the first verse and I try to find who is singing. Instead of finding out who is singing, my father walks over and hands me a red rose. Chaeryoung follows behind him with a rose and everyone starts to walk up to me and handing me red roses one by one. The last person to hand me a rose is Jay who then takes all the roses from me and gives them to Sunghoon. He then takes my hand and leads me down the walkway slowly and we reach a beautiful setup of rose petals and candles in the shape of a heart. I still try to figure out who is singing as Jay leads me to a chair. I take a seat in the middle of the heart and Heeseung walks over with Jungkook and they roll out a red carpet and finally the voice comes out. It's Jake wearing a light blue button up with a beige coat and pants. He walks over smiling and singing the final verse. He stops just in front of me and sings the final words tot eh song. He leans forward and places a kiss on my forehead before turning and addressing the crowd.

"Thank you everyone. As JaeJae said earlier, today is a very important day for Seo-Jun. She is finally able to fulfill her dream of starting her own music company and I know everyone here supports her." Everyone cheers and claps as I mouth thank you to everyone.

"I would like today to be a little more special though." He says turning to me.

"Jun-ah, we met each other just a month ago but since then we have hung out so much since that moment. I remember the first time I met you. I had seen you singing at the diner of your adoptive father. I was amazed by your talent but also your beauty. I wanted to talk to you after the show but unfortunately we were unable to because of my crazy schedule. From that moment, I would wander the same area almost everyday just to be able to see you." I laugh as he smiles.

"Everyone here has witnessed what I would do if I found out you were in danger. Although you took more trauma than I did, you still made me happy and made me want to protect your forever. I don't know if this is my past life talking or me talking but what I do know is that my feelings for you are true." Jake says as he gets down on one knee.

I hear some gasps in the crowd and I just look up at my father who nods assuringly as if to say he got permission. Jake pulls out a little box and opens it to reveal a beautiful ring.

"Kang Seo-Jun, we may be young but I don't want to just be able to date you. I want to be able to have a family with you and be able to wake up to you lying next to me in the morning. I have a busy career and you will probably be busy but I just know that we will always make time for each other no matter what. That is why today I would like to ask you a very important question. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" 

I am stunned. I can no longer speak and instead nod my head. Jake smiles brightly and places the ring on me. I immediately get up and kiss him on the lips as the crowd around us starts cheering and applauding. My father comes up and congratulates us followed by the other members and staff. Chaeryoung comes over and Jake immediately lifts her up.

"Dad, can we go eat now? I'm hungry." she says

"Of course we can kiddo. Let's go get some food." He says while taking my hand in his and leading us back into the building. 

Everyone heads down to the first floor and to a big ballroom set up with tables of food and desserts along with a congratulations sign across the wall. Jake leads us to the center table and sets Chaeryoung down to pull out the chair for me. I thank him and take a seat as he heads off towards the food tables with Chaeryoung. My father joins me at the table when he walks in along with the other Enhypen members.

"This is what you guys have been planning for the past 10 days huh?" I ask them as music starts playing and the lights dim.

"Yeah. We didn't know when you would wake up again so we were literally practicing everyday and hoping that you would wake up soon." Jungwon said.

"All the sets and everything, how did you guys manage to get that done?" I asked them.

"Some of the staff had the bigger pieces on the side. ALl we had to do was run and set it up. There wasn't one or two people on one piece. It was more like 10 to a piece no matter the size and there was marking all over the place for each piece." My father says.

"Well thank you all for everything. I appreciate everything you guys did." I say to them.

Jake comes back with Chaeryoung holding three plates in one arm while holding her hand. He lets go of Chaeryoung's hand and sets a plate down in front of me before putting a plate in front of Chaeryoung. The others at our table get up and head out to get food, even my father.

"I got you a little bit of everything. If you want more I can get some for you." He says to me.

"That's ok. This should be enough for now." I say to him.

He nods and takes a seat as we wait for the others to get back. When they get back with a plate of food, we all dig in and enjoy the meal. When I finish eating, I get up to get us some drinks but Niki stops me and heads to get them instead.

"I'll come with you to help carry all of them." I say to him as he starts walking away.

I help him get the drinks and when we get back to the table, Jake asks me to dance with him and we head out to the dance floor. The rest of the night goes by in a blur as I enjoy the night. I had never been able to actually enjoy going to a party because either I was too busy to go or I had other things in mind. At the end of the night, we all head home and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow with Jake lying next to me and Chaeryoung between us.


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