The first and last part i guess

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Once upon a time, on a rainy day like no other, Sunday, Cyrix, and Carol were watching TV, while Hex and Diamond were inside the bedroom, fooling around and having fun.

"Tag, you're it!"

"No fair, you're a robot!"


"It means you're faster!"

"But you're a kid! Shouldn't you be able to outrun me?"

"Oh, I'll show you-"

"Hey, I think you just got a new message!" Hex then said, interrupting Diamond. Diamond went to check her phone to see what message she got, so she went to her computer desk, which was colored plain white, and was next to her bunk bed. She picked up the phone and clicked her notification. Hex was patiently waiting as she read the message. "Oh!" Diamond exclaimed. "It's an email from Updike." Hex was confused and said, "Updike!? Since when did he get your email address or something!?" Diamond hesitated to think about what Hex said, then she just shrugged.


Greetings Diamond,

I have found that you have shown fondness to Hex, and after doing some research, I found that the model of Hex's system is very prone to virus and malware, so I thought about giving you a link to the site of an antivirus application that I use:

From Updike


"An antivirus?" Hex asked, still puzzled. "Don't you think it's a little weird for Updike to be helping me?" Diamond shook the thought off and said, "Nah. Anyways, the email doesn't seem too sus." Hex was still thinking about the email, but Diamond quickly plugged a black wire into Hex before he could change his mind. "Trust me." Diamond said. "This is gonna help you tons!" She then started downloading the antivirus on Hex's system, and Hex couldn't stop her, so after a few minutes the antivirus was installed on Hex. And then...

Everything ran like normal.

"See?" Diamond said, to reassure Hex. "Nothing went wrong!" Hex still wasn't convinced, since he knows that spyware actually exists. Diamond then excitedly said, "Now all I need to do is to open the antivirus!" She then located the program on Hex's computer and opened it.

Suddenly, instead of a sophisticated menu, a cheap flash animation popped up on Hex's screen, displaying text labeled "you are an idiot" on the top. Below, there were three simple smiley faces. The screen also flickered between a harsh black and white. There was a catchy but annoying jingle playing in the background. Diamond was incredibly annoyed and immediately closed the program. "Ugh." She grumpily said. "Amateur animators." Then, to Hex and Diamond's surprise, the program didn't close, but instead it opened six more windows of itself on Hex's screen. By this point, Diamond was panicking and she tried to close all of the windows, but her efforts were all in vain, as every time she closed a window, six more would pop up. Hex also panicked and said "Close it, close it, close it, close it!" "Can't you see I'm trying to do that!?" Diamond shouted.

By now, with all the window-closing Diamond tried to do, there were around a hundred windows all popping up on Hex's screen. It was also getting very noisy. Diamond closed her ears and eyes and said, "Agh! It's not working at all!" Hex was so glitched that he couldn't even talk. Then, it seemed like the system had had enough, so it crashed.

"No no no no no no no!" Diamond said, still panicking. The famous blue screen of death (BSOD) popped up on Hex's screen. Diamond was still trying to comprehend the situation, and to make matters worse, Cyrix walked to the door, and he was asking Diamond "Diamond? Are you okay over there?" Diamond, still panicking, simply said, "Uh... Yeah, I'm fine!" "Are you sure?" Cyrix worriedly said. "I heard a lot of noise so I just wanted to check if you were-" He gently opened the door, but then, when he saw Hex and Diamond, he became speechless.

Hex still had the BSOD on his screen when Cyrix came in, and upon seeing Cyrix, Diamond nervously took a few steps away from Hex and said "Uhh... Hi?" Cyrix quickly rushed over to Hex and said to Diamond, "What did you do?" Diamond simply answered, "I uh... don't know?" Cyrix then angrily said, "What. Did. You. Do." Diamond then quickly sighed then narrated, "Fine. Updike sent me an email which led to a bad animation, and then I closed it, but then more windows of it came up, and then I tried closing them all, and then Hex uh... crashed I guess. In short, Hex is broken." Cyrix groaned and then started fiddling with the buttons, since he didn't know too much about computers.

At this point, Diamond was worried, not only because of Hex, but also because of a scolding from either Whitty or Cyrix. And when Cyrix said, "You know what?" Diamond feared the worst, but instead, Cyrix said, "I'm gonna need to bring him to the garage. You stay here." Cyrix walked away to Sunday's garage and Diamond sat on one of the bunk beds and breathed a sigh of relief. She opened her cellphone, and upon seeing Updike's email again, she bitterly deleted his email. Afterwards, she heard a few sounds, including a drill, a hammer, and Sunday shouting a few times, but after everything that's happened, she didn't even consider getting out of the room.

Minutes passed and Diamond could still hear all the sounds in the garage, which meant that they were far from done. Diamond even started hearing... error sounds? For once, Diamond thought about checking Hex and the others to see if they were doing alright, but she assumed that they knew what they were doing much more than her. She also felt a little sleepy, so she went up to her bunk bed and started to doze off.

The next morning...

Diamond woke up, feeling a bit groggy. She yawned and stretched her arms, then she climbed out of her bunk bed. She then slowly went to the dining room to eat her breakfast. The breakfast was cereal, and she started eating her food. Suddenly, she noticed that Whitty, Carol, and Sunday were glaring at her. Diamond noticed this and said, "What?" in response. Whitty and Carol then looked at each other. Whitty then sighed and said, "We're not mad, we're just disappointed." Diamond then realized what they were talking about and said, "Wait. This is about Hex, isn't it? Did you fix him yet?"

Carol then said, "Yes, this is about Hex, and yes, we did fix him. But it took the whole night. Whitty even almost went ballistic since he was so frustrated." Whitty also added, "Sunday's throat hurted from all that screaming yesterday." Carol also said, "Cyrix was getting really worried, and we even had to call Static." Diamond then said "Ok. So, where is Hex? And Cyrix." Whitty then said, "And this is where we get to the part about your punishment." Diamond got shocked and said, "Punishment? What punishment?" Then, Carol started to say, "We... kinda regret having to give you this, but you give us no choice." Diamond was listening very carefully.

Then Whitty said, "You're grounded. For a week. Nobody can go here except me, you, and Carol." Diamond was very stunned, so she said, "What!? B-But-" Whitty interrupted her and said, "No buts. We've both decided on it." Diamond was still very shocked. "They're my best friends! You can't just prohibit me from seeing them! Hex is your best friend! How are you gonna visit him if I'm grounded, huh?" Whitty simply said, "We'll visit him without you." Diamond definitely did not like the sound of that. "Without me!?!?"

Whitty didn't want to deal with Diamond anymore, so he stood up from his chair. He looked very tall when he stood up, so Diamond was intimidated. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. Sunday, wanna come?" Whitty said. "Okay, sure," Sunday hastily replied. Whitty and Sunday left the house, and Diamond was left with Carol. Carol sighed and said, "Diamond, remember, we all forgive you, but maybe you should be a bit more careful next time, okay?" Diamond put her head down and replied gloomily with a long "Okaayyyy."

                                                                     The End :)

(this thing is 1386 words woah-)

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